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2003.06.03 Meeting Notes
- Pete Salzman (LUGOD founder) and Rhonda Bailey (past treasurer) are
getting married!
- Linux Enterprise Forum takes place in Santa Clara later this week.
- ISSA Security User Group (a government organization) meets on
June 19th. Some LUGOD members will attend; they may want some talks
on Linux-related topics at a small expo they'll be holding
on November 4th and 5th. They meet at Calpers in Sacramento.
- Some user groups may be making an exodus to Sco's offices in Utah
to protest. More info. will come as it is made available.
- Herakles is offering a tour of their colocation facilities in
Sacramento some time in June. Contact Mike Simons for details.
Project Reports
- Demo - No demo scheduled at the moment.
- Installfests - The last Installfest was be Sunday, May 18th.
No report was made. The next Installfest will be June 15th.
- LERT - No news.
- Library - No news.
Other Business
- Whole Earth Festival - WEF went very well! We were set up in
the grassy part of the UC Davis Quad, and were powered by a solar
panel with lots of batteries. Ryan Castelluci donated a wireless
access point to us, which we played with some. Volunteers included
Doug Barbieri, Ken Bloom, Nicole Carlson, Ryan Castelluci, Richard
Crawford, Bill Kendrick, Daphne Pareas, Jeff Rousch, Mike Simons
and Michael Wenk. We'll probably do WEF again next year!
- Government Technology Conference - GTC went incredibly well.
We collected around 100 business cards from passers-by, handed out
every copy of GNUWinII, and almost every copy (250-300) of Knoppix.
Sun donated copies of to us, via Paul Miller, who
helped staff the booth and walked the expo. Special thanks to Lee Welter,
who donated a table and chair, and helped staff. Other volunteers
included Troy Arnold, Doug Barbieri, Nicole Carlson, Marc Hall,
Ken Herron, Henry House, Bill Kendrick, Brian Lavender, Rod Roark,
Rob Rogers, Jeff Rousch, Mike Simons (who helped get us the booth!),
and Michael Wenk (who burned countless CDs!).
Sponsors included Code Weavers (we demo'd a trial version of
CrossOver Office, to show Internet Explorer and MSWord running under
Linux), O'Reilly and Associates (for donating books for our raffle),
Sharp's booth at GTC (for extra copies), and for
(sadly, unused) copies of Rekall and tkcRekall.
We need to get back to the GTC coodinators again to thank them for the
booth. We hope we can attend again next year.
- LinuxWorld Expo - Reminder: LUGOD has a booth at this year's LWE.
We can get exhibitor passes for 10 people. So far about 7 have volunteered.
- Picnix12 - Linux Anniversary Picnic - ...
- California 4-H Leadership Conference - Reminder: LUGOD will
be present at this year's 4-H conference at UC Davis. We'll re-do last
year's talk on Linux and Open Source. Our session will be on
Sunday, August 10th, 9am-10am.
- Projector - The Davis Library has a moritorium on spending,
so cannot buy a projector next fiscal year (which begins in summer).
This means we will move forward on purchasing our own.
Mike Simons contacted a number of projector vendors at GTC.
- Linux in The Enterprise - Someone suggested LUGOD members
may be able to write some articles on Linux and Open Source, and get
them published in The Davis Enterprise newspaper. We'll look into it!
- Adopt-A-Highway - Mike Simons has been looking into the possibility
of LUGOD 'adopting a highway,' to help the community (and get us a cool
sign). Members can do the actual clean-up work, after a main coordinator
takes a safety class. Orange vests, helmets and other supplies will be
provided. There are limits to what colors can be on the sign
(e.g., no solid red background), and there may be a limit on what name
can be used (name, but no place; or place, but no name; LUGOD's name
contains BOTH, though!). We'll need 5 people to volunteer to help clean,
plus Mike would like 2 people to do the coordination. Contact him
or post to vox-outreach if interested.
- Financial Report - $12.98 in voluntary dues were collected.
- Bill Kendrick
- Ken Herron
- Stephen Helms
- Peter Salzman
- Rhonda Bailey
- Doug Barbieri
- Corey Hines
- Mike A.
- Mike H.
- Dmitriy Ivanov
- Mark R.
- Mike Simons
- Chris
- Richard Harke
- Bernita
- Ronald
- Ryan Castelluci
- Bill
- Eso
- ...and four others