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2003.05.06 Meeting Notes
- SVLUG meets Wed., May 7th. Sony will demonstrate their
"Linux for the PlayStation2" kit.
- Whole Earth Festival takes place at UC Davis Friday, May 9th through
Sunday, May 11th (Mother's Day). LUGOD will have a booth there.
- Tuesday, May 13th NBLUG meets in Sebastopol. "Linux for the
- Wednesday, May 14th SacLUG meets. "Snort and Acid" (intrusion detection)
- Jonathan Isler from the social dept. at UC Davis is doing a dissertation
and is looking for people in the web development and computer programmg
fields to interview (45-75m).
- Enterprise Linux Forum will take place in Santa Clara from June 4-6.
Project Reports
- Demo - No demo until June at the earliest. We'll be at
Whole Earth Festival at UC Davis and Government Technology Conference
in Sacramento later in May!
- Installfests - The next Installfest will be on Sunday, May 18th.
- LERT - No news.
- Library - No news.
Other Business
- Whole Earth Festival - May 9th-11th is WEF at UC Davis.
We'll have a booth there. People have been burning copies of Knoppix,
and we've got 2-4 people set to staff the booth at any given time.
- Government Technology Conference - We were able to get a booth
at the GTC West 2003 conference taking place at the Sacramento
Convention Center from Wednesday, May 14th through Friday, May 16th.
We were able to get in for free, though we'll be
paying around $100 for power. (Booths normally cost $2000-3000, and we were
previously offered a discount to bring the price down to $1000.)
We're lining up more CDROM burns and volunteers for this event (which will be
much more formal than WEF). We've also contacted some companies
(like, O'Reilly and Associates) to see if they can send some
Linux swag for us to hand out. If you're interested in helping,
contact Mike Simons (
- LinuxWorld Expo - Reminder: LUGOD has a booth at this year's LWE.
We'll do more planning after May's two big events.
- Picnix12 - Linux Anniversary Picnic - Reminder: LUGOD,
along with SVLUG, EBLUG and, are putting together the third
annual Linux anniversary picnic and barbecue (Picn*x12).
It will take place at Sunnyvale Baylands Park on August 9th, the Saturday
after LinuxWorld Expo in San Francisco. We're looking for corporate
sponsors, and will also look into selling t-shirts prior to the event
(like at LUGOD's booth at LWE). If you're interested in helping,
check out
- California 4-H Leadership Conference - Reminder: LUGOD will
be present at this year's 4-H conference at UC Davis. We'll re-do last
year's talk on Linux and Open Source. Our session will be on
Sunday, August 10th, 9am-10am.
- Officer Elections - Since last meeting, no other people were
nominated for any positions, so we didn't need to hold a vote.
Passing by consent, Bill Kendrick remains "root" (Chairperson, or President),
Mike Simons remains "sys" (Vice Chair), Stephen Helms remains
"typescript" (Secretary), and Henry House remains "/dev/null"
- Projector - LUGOD has decided to purchase an XGA resolution
(1024x768) video projector. Estimated cost is between $1300-1500.
- Donations - RW Weaver donated copies of FrameMaker4 and
Linux Compliation DVDs (from circa 2000).
- Financial Report - $62.96 in voluntary dues were collected.
- Roy Greenwood from IBM Corp's "Linux Impact Team" discussed IBM's
backing of (and use of) Linux, in a talk entitled
"IBM and Linux: The Big Blue Penguin."
Presentation notes (PDF)
- Bill Kendrick
- Mike Simons
- Mark Kim
- Doug Naschke
- Dave Nelson
- Leigh Jim
- Doug Barbieri
- Henry House
- Jeff Rousch
- Allen M.
- Richard Harke
- Eso
- Michael Wenk
- Jonathan Jeffries
- Joel West
- Ken Herron
- Dmitriy Ivanov
- Arturo
- Tad
- Jonathan Isler
- Warren Curry
- Richard Crawford
- Kevin Murakoshi
- Ryan Castelluci
- Dick
- Patrick
- Bruce Wolk
- Darryl
- Rick
- Mark Hall
- Mark
- Hugh
- Mike Machado
- Harry Souders
- Lee Welters
- Herb
- Marc Hasbrouck
- Ron
- Marianne
- Roy Greenwod
- Stephen Helms
- ...and 3 others