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2003.03.17 Meeting Notes
Project Reports
- Demo - Our last demo was March 15th at the Davis Food Co-Op.
We had a fairly good turn out. Mike rsync'd LUGOD's website onto the
demo machine, and we got Apache, PHP and some virtual domains set up so
that our website can be shown off live, but without Internet access!
A lot of questions from passers-by involved Linux alternatives to Microsoft
Office. The next demo isn't scheduled yet.
- Installfests - The last Installfest was Sunday, March 16th.
Less than 10 machines were brought, probably due to finals coming up!
$30 were donated during the IF.
The next IF date lands on Easter, so we will either skip April, or change
the date of the IF.
- LERT - No activity.
- Library - A Debian CD set was loaned out, and returned.
A Zope book was loaned out, and also returned.
Other Business
- Sacramento Writers Conference - A technical writers conference
which SacLUG may be attending. LUGOD is looking into whether we can
attend as well, to help SacLUG out. Check 'vox-outreach' mailing list for
- Government Technology Conference - A large conference in
Sacramento. Unfortunately, the price to attend (for non-profits!) is
$1000. We may be able to tag along with another organization, but this
means space will be small, and preparation time will be short.
Check 'vox-outreach' for more.
- California 4-H Leadership Conference - LUGOD is planning to attend
the 4-H conference in August, like we did last year. If you're interested
in helping out, contact Bill Kendrick or post to 'vox-outreach'.
- Whole Earth Festival - WEF takes place again this May.
We're going to look into whether we can attend again, as last year's was
quite successful!
- Picnic Day - LUGOD has always been interested in attending
UC Davis' Picnic Day, but since we're not affiliated with UCD, we cannot.
Kevin Murakoshi from the Computer Science Club at UC Davis said we may be
able to attend by helping the CS club's booth.
- vox-jobs Mailing List - LUGOD has created another new discussion
mailing list: "vox-jobs". Sign up if you're looking for a job, or are
interested in discussing job-hunting skills. Linux-oriented jobs will most
likely get posted there from now on, as well.
- Financial Report - $??.??
in voluntary dues were collected.
We also were recently give a $25 donation as thanks for a set of Debian CDs.
- Bill Kendrick
- Mike Simons
- Stephen Helms
- Bryce K.
- Leigh Jin
- Ron Neville
- Jeff DeFay
- Jeff Rousch
- Jeff Newmiller
- Katie Wright
- Richard Harke
- Harry Souders
- Ryan Castelluci
- Bruce Wolk
- Doug Naschke
- Marc Hasbrouck
- Ronald Krause
- Charles Samuels
- Tom Parker
- Sun
- Rick B.
- Darrell
- Kevin Murakoshi
- Henry House
- Doug Barbieri
- ... and at least 5 others