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2002.12.16 Meeting Notes
- Internet Explorer's Java Virtual Machine (JVM) has a number of issues,
the worst of which could allow arbitrary commands (e.g., "FORMAT C:")
to be executed just by viewing a web page!
- There was a recent CERT advisory for SSH. Apparently, OpenSSH is not
known to be affected.
Project Reports
- Demo - There was no demo in December. Since LUGOD will be
participating in the PC Super Show expo in Sacramento, we will most
likely not hold one in January.
License certificates for free copies of VMWare and Win4Lin
(both donated by their respective publishers) which were donated to LUGOD
have been handed over to Mike Simons to install onto LUGOD's demo box.
Stephen Helms will be donating a laptop hard drive with Windows95 on it.
Mike Simons will check to make sure the same copy of Windows can be
legally used under both VMWare and Win4Lin environments. Pete will
donated a copy of a 90-something version of Microsoft Office.
We'll happily accept additional Windows software (legitimate only, please!)
for use on the Demo machine, as well!
- Installfests - The last Installfest was yesterday, December 15th.
Since UC Davis finals just ended, and winter break has begun, only 4
people attended. (This is fortunate, since we couldn't get into the
larger 1131 room at EUII!) Two Mandrake installs. One RedHat install.
One configuration fix. Next Installfest will be January 19th.
- LERT - One recent call, regarding using DSL with Linux.
They came to the Installfest.
- Library - No activity.
Other Business
- PGP Key Swap - Some members swapped PGP keys before the talk
- Public Kiosk and Newsbeat - KDE 3.0.5's kiosk framework isn't
quite up-to-snuff, so Bill will wait until 3.1.0 is stable and released
before working on the box much further. We'll probably bring the box
to a LUGOD demo to have members poke at, to test its robustness.
- PC Super Show expo - We've received more details.
3 people can get in for free; it will cost $8 each after.
LUGOD is mentioned in the PC Super Show's latest Press Release, and
on the front page of their website ( Parking will be
free (for vendors/clubs, at least). A table is supplied with the space
we'll be getting. Joel Baumert of Z-World was sent URLs to
ISO CD images and screening artwork for both Knoppix and GNUWinII.
- Davis A-to-Z Guide - LUGOD will be in the next edition.
It will cost just under $50 (for the two-year run). Deadline has been
moved to December 29th (though City offices will be closed starting the
- Raffle - Jeff Rousch won a copy of "Mac OS X - The Missing Manual,"
donated to us by O'Reilly. Ken Herron won "Digital Camera Pocket Guide,"
also from O'Reilly. Richard Harke won a copy of No Starch Press'
"Linux Problem Solver." And Jeff Newmiller won No Starch's
"Linux Cookbook."
- Financial Report - $29.03
in voluntary dues were collected. $15.00 was spent on the
room at the library.
- Photos of this meeting
(coming soon)
- Ricardo A.
- Bill Kendrick
- Stephen Helms
- Pete Salzman
- Mike Simons
- Verbus Counts
- Micah Cowan
- Ken Herron
- Richard Harke
- Dmitriy
- Jeff Rousch
- Steve Jones
- Timothy
- Jim V.
- John
- Dave Nelson
- Jeff Newmiller
- Doug Natsch
- ... and one other