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2002.07.15 Meeting Notes
- Gene Kan, a developer of the Gnutella protocol died of an apparent suicide.
Gene was one of the first people to release an implementation of the Gnutella
protocol under the GPL. He was only 25, and employed by Sun.
- eBay has purchased Pay Pal for $1.5bn.
- A study shows that videogames decrease brain activity, causing lack of
concentration and a short temper.
- Rick Boucher (D, VA) is introducing an amendment to the DMCA to
redefine "fair use." His bill will make it illegal for record companies
to sell uncopiable CDs.
- Windows 2000 has 9 months to live. MS is retiring it.
- The Weather Channel's Radeon 8500 graphics card driver for Linux is
now ready for testing.
- Coffee has been found to prevent alzheimers disease.
- The Norweigan government drops their contract with Microsoft.
- Mandrake is to be sold pre-installed on computers from
- Pakistani government is looking to switch to Linux.
Project Reports
- Demo - The next demo will be at the Co-Op this Saturday,
July 20th. We also have the conference room, so we can do short
lectures on Open Source and Linux, along with the normal demo!
- Installfests - Our next Installfest will be on July 21st.
- LERT - No LERT news.
- Library - Pete Salzman donated a copy of the Summer 2001
issue of 2600 Magazine.
Other Business
- California 4-H Presentation - The speakers have met to discuss
the talk, and slides and a handout have been created.
- Class with DCN - No news. We should look into holding more
classes on our own, as well.
- Financial Report - $79.05 in voluntary dues were
- Hans Reiser described the "ReiserFS" journaling file system for
Linux, and where it will be when version 4 is released later this
- Paul Barnard
- Richard Harkey
- Terry McGivern
- Pete Salzman
- Bill Kendrick
- Marc Hasbrouck
- Robine Rowe
- Joel Baumert
- Matt Johnson
- Dave Nelson
- Ryan Castelluci
- Jeff DeFay
- Marty Harwell
- Doug Huckaba
- Brian W.
- Owen McGee
- Mike Simons
- Ed Broyles
- Matt Roper
- Eric
- Paymar
- Karsten McCoy
- Bruce Walt
- Troy
- Rod Roark
- Hans Reiser
- Nina Reiser
- Travis
- Kevin Murakoshi
- Jeff Newmiller
- Cordell Newmiller
- Stephen Helms
- Foo Lim
- Verbus Counts
- Bill Broadley
- Brian Lavender
- ...and 11 others
Quotes from the Meeting
- "I'm not going to answer any questions about code I haven't written yet" -
Hans Reiser