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2002.06.17 Meeting Notes
- Lawsuit challenges copy-protected CDs. The copy protection impedes
playback on PCs, playback on particular stand-alone CD players,
and can jam Macintosh CD drives (requiring dismantling!)
- A middle school near LA now has "Dance Dance Revolution" video games
as part of PE class
- Walmart now selling (online) PCs pre-loaded with Lindows
- A man who has been blind for 20 years has been given a bionic eye.
It's not perfect, but works well enough to allow him to drive a car
around an empty parking lot.
- "Linux Game Publishing" to take over publishing of the Cognitoys
title "Mind Rover" (previously published by the now-defunct Loki Games)
Project Reports
- Demo - There will be a demo at the Davis Food Co-Op on
Saturday, June 29th at 3:15pm.
- Installfests - Our last installfest was yesterday. About
10-12 people came, 4 of which requested Debian. We need someone to
volunteer to greet people as they arrive to the Installfests.
A number of people offered to help. We may have network access at
our next Installfest (July 21st), with help from the UCD CS Club.
- LERT - ???. We need more volunteers to help out, especially
those in (or who can make it to) Sacramento.
- Library - IBM donated "LPI Linux Certification."
No Starch Press donated "The Book of Zope" and "The Book of VMWare."
Steve Wormley donated an extensive collection of "Linux Journal"
magazines, as well as "Practical Unix and Internet Security,"
"Firewalls Complete," "Managing NFS and NIS," "3D Computer Graphics,"
"IPv6 Networks" and "TCP/IP Network Admin., 2nd ed."
Other Business
- California 4-H Presentation - Nothing new. Still in need of
- Class with DCN - No news.
- Raffle - IBM sent us some yo-yos and retractable, flat-corded
ethernet extension cables. No Starch sent us some t-shirts.
We had some VMWare t-shirts left over from last time. These were all
raffled away. Strangely, most officers who attended won something.
(It wasn't rigged! We promise!
:^) )
Henry House, Pete Salzman and Jeff DeFay picked yoyos.
Edward Broyles, Dave Nelson and Amy picked No Starch shirts.
Lee Welters and Mike Simons grabbed the VMWare shirts.
And finally, Bill Kendrick, Bob, Mike B., Ryan C., Carl M. and Clyde
all picked ethernet cords. (One was taken by LUGOD for use at
- LUGODer of the Quarter - Noticing Joel Baumert was awarded our
LUGODer of the quarter at our last meeting, Bill Pollock of No Starch
Press sent Joel a copy of "The Linux Cookbook"!
- Financial Report - $78.00 in voluntary dues were
- Steve Smith of Deep Video Imaging Ltd. demonstrated the
"Actualdepth" multi-planar LCD monitor.
- Pete Salzman
- Melissa Hardenbrook
- Bill Kendrick
- Henry House
- Ryan C.
- Joel Baumert
- Ruben Arevalo
- Lee Welter
- Rusty Minden
- Dave Nelson
- Marc Hasbrouck
- Jeff Newmiller
- Larry Oserand
- Dan Dorsey
- Carl Yates
- Jeff DeFay
- Edward Broyles
- Clyde Reed
- Richard Harkey
- Mike
- Dave McKenna
- Jim Self
- Mike Simons
- Eric Engelhard
- Amy
- Carl McMillin
- Robert Horton
- Foo Lim
- ...and a few others
Photos of this meeting.