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2002.05.16 Meeting Notes
Officer's Meeting
House Agriculture, Davis.
- CA Tax-Exempt Status
It will cost a $25 application fee. Henry would like to wait until we've
changed banks.
- Changing Banks
Henry is not happy with the customer service or business account
policies at Washinton Mutual, and would like to move LUGOD's bank account
to First Northern. Since Pete Salzman and Bill Kendrick were chair and
vice chair at the time the account was made (and for some reason,
Washington Mutual doesn't respect that officership can change within an
organization), they will need to come in to the bank in person to have
the account closed. Zach Johnson, who was treasurer at the time,
will need to provide a signature, as well. The officers authorized
Henry to open a new checking account at First Northern on behalf of
- California 4-H
The presenter list needs to be finalized, and the handouts need to be
created soon, and provided to 4-H for copying.
- Linux Class with DCN
Rod Roark, Tom Burnett, Bill Kendrick and Richard Crawford met to
discuss the class. Rod tested the VNC clients on the City of Davis
computer lab machines. Everything seems in order.
- Post Office Box
Noone can recall for sure whether the change-of-address form
(for forwarding mail from our old PO Box to our new one) was
actually sent in, so Melissa will be mailing a new one.
- Officers Page
We still need a photo of Rusty Minden (IF Coordinator) and a bio. for
Mike Simons (Vice Chair) for the "Officers" section of LUGOD's
members webpage.
- Demo Machine
- Pete suggested we purchase a $5/month subscription to WINE-X for
the demo machine.
- Pete provided Mike with the following discs of commercial software
to be installed on the Demo Machine:
- VMWare workstation - donated by VMWare
- Crossover Plugin - donated by Codeweavers
- Crossover Office - donated by Codeweavers
- Partition Manager - donated by Paragon Software
- LUGOD will buy a CD case for the various discs which should be
kept with the Demo Machine.
- Mike, Pete and Henry discussed possible upgrades to the demo machine
(faster CPU, more RAM), or possibly replacing it with a physically
smaller system (for easier carrying). Mike will look into this for the
next Officers Meeting.
- Demos
Despite confusion at the last meeting, Henry IS still the Demo Coordinator.
Mike Simons will continue to store and tend the demo machine, though.
Bill suggested we look into going to Farmers Markets again.
- Microsoft
Bill Kendrick has offered to move and maintain his "Reasons to not use
Microsoft" news archive as part of LUGOD's official website. As
discussed previously on "vox," we'll probably incorporate Rod Roark's
list, as well.
- Installfest
We're still looking into possibly moving Installfests to a location
with network access (e.g., the Davis Food Co-Op's conference room).
IF's seem to be smaller lately, so a smaller location could be suitable.
We need to re-emphasize the "Emergency" in "Linux Emergency Relief Team,"
as a number of people have complained when we can't offer help for their
non-emergency problems. We should also add a policy that LERT gives
preference to LUGOD members.
- Library
Henry is still working on updating the library page on LUGOD's website.
Melissa, Henry and Peter are looking into stamps or stickers for
labelling items as being "Propery of LUGOD."
- Open Source Initiative in Davis
Mike is still looking into the possibility of a city initiative which
requires looking into Open Source solutions for software used within the
city government.
- Pete Salzman - root (president)
- Mike Simons - sys (vice president)
- Melissa Hardenbrook - typescript (secretary)
- Henry House - sys (treasurer) / librarian
- Bill Kendrick - p.r. officer / webmaster
- Rhonda Bailey