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Page last updated:
2002 Mar 08 14:27

2002.03.05 Meeting Notes


  • Trolltech announces 50 beta winners in their Qtopia programming contest. Each have won a Sharp Zaurus PDA. Grand prize winner of the competition will receive a big-screen TV, stereo, and laptop!
  • SuSE helped port parts of the Linux Kernel to AMD's new 64-bit "Hammer" processor.
  • Debconf 2002 Debian conference announced. Takes place in July.
  • "Crossover" plugin now supports Windows Media Player 6.4 under Linux.
  • "Netwinder, Inc." created to resurrect the Netwinder Linux appliance.
  • GNOME 2.0 beta is out.
  • GCC 3.0.4 is out.
  • HP is now shipping Linux boxes (servers only)
  • Microsoft admits to violating the law (but says no more)
  • Bill Gates claims he never said "640K was enough"
  • Microsoft claims GPL is "anti-commercialism."
  • Microsoft claims HTTP's days are numbered, thanks to .NET.
  • Sun charging for Star Office for non-Solaris systems.
  • Sun claims "Linux on the Mainframe: Not a good idea."
  • Disney CEO Eisner accuses Apple, in part, for music piracy.
  • iPod can be used to pirate software off Mac displays at stores.
  • Apple creates "Best Mac OS X Open Source Port" category in Apple Design Awards.
  • Adobe ports Photoshop to OS X.
  • Apple license CUPS (Common UNIX Printing System)
  • February marked 40th birthday of videogames.
  • Lawsuit claiming video game violence caused Columbine High School massacre has been dismissed.
  • ElcomSoft (employer of Dmitry Sklyarov) is requesting DCMA case be dimissed. Something about them not being an American company. :^)
  • Savoix Magazine in Singapore causes horrible e-mail loop; Internet catches fire; thousands dead. (Just kidding)
  • Bill Jones (candidate for Gov. of Calif.) 'innovates' by spamming thousands (mostly in Canada, because of the ".ca" in their address!) via an open relay in a Korean elementary school.
  • 400-year-old law against trespass could mark the end of spam in Australia and possibly entire British Commonwealth.
  • MIT students create "Teddy Borg," consisting of a cute teddy bear, plus a 4-port ethernet switch.
  • Nerdbooks.com opened their e-commerce site!
  • New Sacramento-area tech. magazine coming in April: Wirehed

Project Reports

  • Demo - The next demo will probably be Sat. March 16th at the Davis Food Co-Op at 2pm.

  • Installfests - Our next Installfest will be Sun. March 17th.

  • LERT - A $30 donation for LERT services was made today.

  • Library - Dale Nelson donated Progeny Debian Linux to the club.

Other Business

  • Voice Empowered Technology Organization - Alicia Kelley spoke about the VETO non-profit, and is hoping for help to develop prototype software for disabled and ESL, using Linux.

  • Financial Report - $39.35 in voluntary dues were collected.


  • Chuck Groom and Devin Carraway of Blue Mug, Inc. of Berkeley, CA visited LUGOD to talk about "Building an Embedded Linux Prototype," including UI design and tweaking GTK+ and the Linux Kernel to run on it.

    Presentation Slides (2MB PDF)


  • Henry House
  • Bill Kendrick
  • Devin Carraway
  • Chuck Groom
  • Joel Baumert
  • Marc Hasbrouck
  • Eric Mullinix
  • Harry Low
  • Dave
  • Dave Nelson
  • Darryl
  • Rick
  • Geoff Herteg
  • Seth Nagao
  • Doug Barbieri
  • Mike Simons
  • Jeff Newmiller
  • John Reynolds
  • Lee Welter
  • Alicia Kelley
  • Stephen Helms
  • Daniel
  • Tim
  • ...and 4 others


Photos of this meeting.

Quote of the Meeting:

  • "I've used Linux for long enough that I forget why I started" (paraphrased) - Devin Carraway

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Hosting provided by:
Sunset Systems
Sunset Systems offers preconfigured Linux systems, remote system administration and custom software development.

LUGOD: Linux Users' Group of Davis
Contact Us

LUGOD is a 501(c)7 non-profit organization
based in Davis, California
and serving the Sacramento area.
"Linux" is a trademark of Linus Torvalds.

Sponsored in part by:
Appahost Applications
For a significant contribution towards our projector, and a generous donation to allow us to continue meeting at the Davis Library.