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2001.12.17 Meeting Notes
- 9 states have rejected the DOJ's proposed penatly for Microsoft.
- 3 new distros: ELX: Everybody-Linux (Windows-like), Topologolinux
(based on Slackware 8), and Demundi (concentrates on music and
- LUGOD was on the KDVS radio! MP3 and text transcript are available on
LUGOD's website
Project Reports
- Demo - The next demo will be Saturday, December 22nd at the Davis
Food Co-Op at 3pm. Contact if you'd like to help.
- Installfests - The last Installfest was December 16th. It was
small, due to UC Davis being out for winter. We should consider
advertising our IFs more heavily in the surrounding area until SacLUG
can start holding IFs in Sacramento again.
- LERT - No news.
- Library - A TCP/IP book was donated by Pete Salzman.
Carl Yates donated "The Cathedral and the Bazaar." A "Unix Sys V" book
was donated. Jeff Newmiller donated 3 fresh Debian installation CDROMs.
Other Business
- Hardware Quartermaster - LUGOD's looking for someone to volunteer
to hold, and keep track of a 'boneyard' of free computer hardware
(keyboards, memory, hard disks, etc.). Henry House has offered to take
this position, until someone has been found.
- Financial Report - $27.95 in voluntary dues were
- Scavengar Hunt! - The first person to find the following items
and e-mails wins a copy of Heretic II for Linux!
- "Hello world" in Prolog and Forth
- An audio file of Richard M. Stallman singing
- What the "E" stands for in "Donald E. Knuth"
- A photo of Burt from Sesame Street posing with Osama Bin Laden
- Names of 5 characters from the original "Toy Story" movie who have
not yet been used to denote versions of Debian
- Bill Kendrick demonstrated the new Linux/Java-based PDA from Sharp,
the SL-5500, aka "Zaurus."
Presentation notes available.
- Pete Salzman
- Henry House
- Christine Scobee
- Melissa Hardenbrook
- Eric Engelhard
- Rhonda Bailey
- Joel Baumert
- Bill Kendrick
- Doug
- Mark Kim
- Richard
- Harry Low
- Seth Nagao
- Paul
- Jeff Newmiller
- Stephen Helms
- John
- Bill Broadley
- Brian Lavender
- Mark
- Foo Lim
Photos of this meeting.
Quote of the Meeting:
- "Are you giving my mouse away!?" - Rhonda to Pete