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2001.11.06 Meeting Notes
- Bill Kendrick is resigning from elected officership, to take a break.
He will continue working as webmaster and public relations officer.
- Mandrake/SuSE security updates are out - go get them!
- UUCP has an exploit (does anyone still use that?
;^) )
- Mobile phones are starting to come out with radiation shields
- Microsoft settlement has been stalled - 9 states not happy yet
- C|Net claims Transmeta are on their way out
- Borland Kylix 2 is out
- Sharp is introducing new PDAs running Linux
- Castle Wolfenstein 3D, test 2, has been ported to Linux
(no plans for a commercial release of the final version, though!)
- Loki releases a Linux port of the controversial "Postal Plus" FPS game
- No bags or cameras allowed at Comdex!
- Debian 2.2r4 is out
- Kernel 2.4.14 is out
- Athlon beats Intel - 1.6GHz outdo 2GHz Intel Pentium 4's!
- RedHat 7.2 is out
Project Reports
- Demo - Our next demo is tentatively scheduled for the 4th
Saturday of November, once again at the Davis Food Co-Op.
- Installfests - The next IF will be at UC Davis on November 18th.
- LERT - Two LERT calls were made.
- Library - A number of Linux distro CDs were donated by
Bill Alexander.
Other Business
- Food - Christine Scobee brought snacks and drinks.
- Bylaw Changes - Pete Salzman proposed a number of changes
to LUGOD's bylaws. His "minor changes" clause was objected, and will be
made more clear and brought up at the next meeting. A new
"Public Relations Officer" position clause was passed by consent.
- Officer Nominations - Officer nominations are in. Running
unopposed, Pete Salzman takes over as 'root,' Henry House
steps in as 'sys,' and Melissa Hardenbrook and
Rhonda Bailey keep their positions as 'typescript' and
'/dev/null,' respectively.
- Swag - Two Tux Voodoo dolls, donated by, a
copy of QuakeIII for Linux from Pete Salzman, a number of t-shirts,
and other goodies were given away via raffle and hand-raising.
- Mailing Lists - LUGOD's mailing lists have been down since
Friday. is looking into it, but has no ETA on when the problem
will be fixed.
- Financial Report - $15.00 in voluntary dues were
- Tyler Schilling from ALSTOM Schilling Robotics presented their QUEST
Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV), an unmanned submarine
- Mark Smith
- Henry House
- Rhonda Bailey
- Bill Kendrick
- Pete Salzman
- Jeff Newmiller
- Craig Harris
- Rick O'Shaughnessy
- Geoff Herteg
- Seth Nagao
- Rick Mansker
- Anne Mansker
- Doug Barbieri
- Tracia Barbieri
- Kian Barbieri
- Drew
- Jeff DeFay
- Rick
- Tyler Schilling
- Nicole Carlson
- Christine Scobee
- Ian Scobee
- Mike Simons
- Kevin Murakoshi
- Stephen Helms
- Brian Lavender
- and 4 others
Quote of the Meeting:
- "Deadbeat borrowers: repent!" - Henry House, LUGOD Librarian