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2001.10.15 Meeting Notes
- "most" (a pager like 'less' and 'more') has buffer overflow bugs
- Kernel 2.4.11 released. Mostly bugfixes and driver updates. It's been
renamed 'linux-2.4.11-dontuse.tar.gz'. Linux calls it "a sorry excuse for
a kernel."
- Kernel 2.4.12 released. Unfortunately, there are now two 'official' stable
branches, one with old virtual memory code (Alan Cox), the other with new
code (Linus).
- A new Portuguese Linux distro, "Effort Linux" (horrible name!) targets
security and high availability
- The Finnish city of Turku moving 5000 systems from MS to Linux and
replacing MSOffice with OpenOffice.
- Annual Linux Showcase (previously Atlanta...), occuring in Oakland in
November, is offering free registration to help gain attendance (since the
WTC attacks caused many to want to stay put)
- lpq (print spool queue) buffer overrun error can be used in attacks!
- Nullsoft has released "WinAmp" for Linux. The question: why?
- Polaroid files chapter 11.
- Linux Kernel now preemptable.
- Linux Weekly News is in trouble - dropped by their parent, Tucows.
- in trouble - running out of funding!
- Star Office 6.0 beta has very strange license.
- New 'devfs' system in Linux can cause a race condition! Fortunately,
nobody uses it out of the box except Mandrake, and they've already provided
a kernel patch.
- Very small packets can get through a hold in netfilter. Fixed in 2.4.11.
- Progeny (a commercial version of Debian) has called it quits
- IBM and Citizen announce prototypes of it's "WatchPad" Linux-based
wrist-watch computer. 32bit CPU, 320x240 b/w LCD touch screen, 8MB RAM,
16MB flash, Bluetooth wireless, IrDA (infrared), RS232, speaker,
microphone, vibrator, fingerprint sensor!, and accelerometer!!!
Price: 6hr battery life.
Project Reports
- Demo - Our next demo will be at the Co-Op on October 27th.
- Installfests - The next IF will be at UC Davis on October 21st.
- LERT - No news.
- Library - Pete Salzman donated a JavaScript book and a Curses
Programming book.
Other Business
- Food - Steve Nguyen of Maxim Group donated a number of
large Togos sandwiches. Christine Scobee brought cupcakes.
- Officer Nominations - Officer nominations have opened.
E-mail the Secretary if you'd like to nominate someone. Elections
will begin at our next meeting, November 6th.
- Swag - Pete gave out a copy of Win4Lin and John Alden brought in
an Amiga monitor, a popcorn popper, and some RS232 bits, which people
- Financial Report - $41.00 in voluntary dues were
- Dr. Norman Matloff of UC Davis did a talk titled "Debunking the Myth of
a Desperate Software Labor Shortage."
Photos of this meeting
- Pete Salzman
- Rhonda Bailey
- Melissa Hardenbrook
- Bill Kendrick
- Bill Alexander
- Eric Engelhard
- Joel Baumert
- Sherrie Navarro
- Jeff Newmiller
- Ryan
- Seth Nagao
- Geoff Herteg
- Kevin Murakoshi
- Christine Scobee
- Ian
- Mark K. Kim
- Mark H.
- Tim
- Dave N.
- Steve
- Jeff DeFay
- John Alden
- Verbus M. Counts
- Dr. Norman Matloff
- John Gardner
- Anna Leslie
Quote of the Day
- "I hope so, cuz your talk is really depressing" - Pete Salzman, responding
to Dr. Matloff's comment that Pete might be able to get a job.