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2001.10.02 Meeting Notes
- Kernel 2.4.10 is out, with some K266 AGP support, NTFS updates,
support for RADEON graphics cards, and controversial new code for
virtual memory management. Everyone's annoyed about that,
except those actually USING 2.4.10.
- The Davis Macintosh Users Group meets on the 2nd Thursday of each
month from 7-9pm at the Davis Senior Center (7th and A St.)
- E-mail is 30 years old today! Ray Tomlinson sent an e-mail (in all
caps, tsk, tsk!) via ARPANET (predecessor of the Internet), and was the
person who picked the now ubiquitous "@" character.
- Dmitry Sklyarov is now being represented, pro bono, by high powered
San Francisco defense attnorney John Keker. And he's out to win.
- France, Brazil, Mexico and China are all considering legislation that
would require government use and support of Open Source software over
proprietary software.
- Vulnerabilities found in both SLRN (newsreader) and WindowMaker
(window manager). The former is already patched in Debian.
- The European Union has outlawed UCE (unsolicited commercial e-mail,
aka "spam") dealing with the marketing of financial products
- Korean Air moves its mission critical systems to Linux (running on an
IBM mainframe)
- id Software will be releasing Quake4.
- The 2nd "Matrix" movie has been delayed due to the death of singer
- Class action suit being made against PacBell for DSL install techs.
not showing up.
Project Reports
- Demo - The Sept. 29th demo was cancelled because we couldn't
get enough helpers. We're planning to hold the next demo in late October.
Contact Henry House if you can help!!!
- Installfests - The next IF will be at UC Davis on October 21st.
Rusty is offering to burn CDROMs for $2.50 per disk (most distros are
2-3 discs, and often you only need the first to get started), which
installees can keep. Profits will be donated to LUGOD.
- LERT - No news.
- Library - Bill Kendrick donated Teach Yourself Linux
Programming in 24 Hours, Pete Salzman donated
Linux Device Drivers, 1st ed, New Riders donated their
MySQL: Building User Interfaces, LUGOD purchased a copy of
Programming Linux Games, Bill Alexander donated
a boxed copy of "Linux Firewall Suite," and Joe Arruda donated
a number of books.
Other Business
- Food - Steve Nguyen of Maxim Group donated a number of
large Togos sandwiches. Christine Scobee brought veggies, dips,
and breads. Bill Kendrick brought chips, drinks and donuts.
They were devoured!
- LUGODer of the Quarter - LUGOD recognized Doug Barbieri,
as the first "LUGODer of the Quarter," due to his enthusiasm and
his eagerness volunteer in the 6 months he's been a member.
Pete Salzman awarded him with a copy of Quake 3 Arena
for Linux.
- Mandrake 8.1 - We gave out two copies of Mandrake 8.1
(3 disc set) which Rusty Minden burned and donated to the club.
Sam Peterson won one for pronouncing Dmitry Sklyarov's last
name correctly. Henry House another for guessing what Doug's
award would be: Quake for Linux.
- Financial Report - $61.46 in voluntary dues were
- Robert Doss, a Cocoa developer at Apple Computer in Sacramento, talked
about Apple's new Darwin (BSD) based Mac OS X operating system.
Photos of this meeting
- Pete Salzman
- Rhonda Bailey
- Henry House
- Melissa Hardenbrook
- Bill Kendrick
- Michael
- Martin Barnes
- Vedder
- Alexandra (Alex) Thorn
- Bill Alexander
- Eric Engelhard
- Rusty Minden
- Dave
- Joel Baumert
- Marianne Waage
- Doug Barbieri
- Sherrie Navarro
- Mark
- Dennis Thompson
- Jeff Newmiller
- Ryan
- Brad Giles
- Paul
- Robert Doss
- Alan Hollander
- Che
- Dale
- Sam Peterson
- Amy
- Joe
- Mike
- Thomas
- Matt Snellham
- Seth Nagao
- Geoff Herteg
- Mario Robert Meneses
- Leng Siakkhasone
- Greg Young
- Gabe Rosa
- Brian Lavender
- Foo Lim
- Kevin Murakoshi
- Christine Scobee
- Ian
- Stephen Helms
- Rick Moen
- Deirdre
- Chris Wee
- ... and 2 others
A dozen of whom were joined afterwards at Baker's Square by:
- Gabe Rosa
- Tracia Barbieri
- Mike Simons
Quote of the Day
- "I don't date people who use Windows" - Pete Salzman