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2000.12.05 Meeting Notes
- KDE 2.0.1 is out
- RedHat closes 3 offices, including San Francisco's. They also had 20
layoffs, and their stock went from $151 to $6.
- There's a new e-mail distributed virus that calls its victims
"idiots" for using Windows and tells them to switch to Linux. It appears
to be under control after attacking hundreds of computers since December.
- Bill Gates donated $12.3 and $88 million in software to the Boys and
Girls Clubs of America.
- Donato's Pizza, Papa John's, Donnio's, Little Caesars and Pizza Hut all
now run Linux on their order-taking clients.
Committee Reports
- Demo - The next demo will be on December 16th, probably at
Borders, but possibly at the Co-Op. The demo machine now has a
Voodoo5 AGP video card w/ 32MB video RAM. Pete will donate speakers
- DCN - There may be interest in LUGOD working with DCN to look
into wireless broadband service in Davis...?
- Other LUGs
- 12/6 - Davis PCUG: Linux
- 12/6 - SVLUG: Mike McDonald on Porting Linux to Embedded Systems
- 12/7 - SVBUG: Paul Cubbage of
- 12/12 - NBLUG: TBA
- 12/13 - SacLUG: SleepyCat on Berkeley DB
- 12/17 - LUGOD Installfest CANCELLED
- 12/18 - LUGOD: TBA
- 1/15 - LUGOD: Jeremy Allison on Samba
- 1/21 - LUGOD Installfest
- 2/6 - LUGOD: Matt Bishop of UCD
- Installfests - Decemebr IF is cancelled due to UCD winter
vacation. The next IF will be on Januaty 21st.
- LERT - Sam Merritt helped someone, who donated $20.00 to LUGOD.
Other Business
- Financial Report - $154.00 in voluntary dues were
collected (thanks to the Palm V raffle!)
- LUGOD T-Shirts - We will be ordering light colored shirts with
dark design.
- Coffee Machine - Z-World provided coffee for the meeting.
- Sandwiches - Steve Nyugen of Maxim Group brought deli
sandwiches for the meeting!
- Raffel - LUGOD raffled off a pair of SourceForge t-shirts,
a SuSE calculator, and a book, all donated by VA Linux, as well
as a Palm V (the big prize!), donated by Jim Riffel of Z-World.
Robert Chen was the lucky winner!
- Jim Kingdon, formerly of, described the Open Source
development services SF provides, and answered our many questions.
- Joel Baumert
- Jim Riffel
- Pete Salzman
- Bill Kendrick
- Henry House
- Rick O'Shagnessy
- Nicole Carlson
- Jeff Newmiller
- Clyde Reed
- Casey Bralla
- Jan Wynholds
- Kevin Murakoshi
- Edwin Groot
- Ralph Bruckschen
- Robert Chen
- Joe Arruda
- Edward Broyles
- Jeff DeFay
- David Crawford
- Seth Nagao
- Rhonda Bailey
- Melissa Hardenbrook
- Jim Kingdon
- Steve Nyugen
- Eric Hays
- Bill Broadley
- Zach Johnson
- Steven Helms
- Foo Lim
- ...and 5 others
of this meeting