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2000.09.18 Meeting Notes
- RSA released patent early, on Sept. 6
- Universal sued, won $100 million for copyright infringement-
Courtney Love's now suing them to get her share of the $100 million.
- Electronic Frontier Foundation is working on the DeCSS case and spoke
recently at SacLUG. See
- Kmart and Walmart will now card people (ie, ask for identification)
who buy violent games. Toys R Us does this, Sears Roebuck banned violent
games altogether.
- Z-World is looking for a Network Engineer.
- Jim Riffel of Z-World has offered to imprint blank CDs with our
own logo (possibly in full-color). He's even offered to buy the CDR's
and possibly burn stuff onto them for us!
- Z-World is looking for a TCP/IP guru.
- LUGOD founder Pete Salzman is now a PHD candidate!
- PITAC (President's Information Technology Advisory Committee)
issued its "Recommendations of the Panel on Open Source Software
for High End Computing" to President Clinton.
Committee Reports
- Demo - No news.
- DCN - No new news.
- Other LUGs
- BALUG in SF - Sept 19. Topic TBA
- Internet Developers Group in SJ - Sept 19. PocketLinux.
- Davis PC Users' Group - Sept 20. @ Davis library.
- SVLUG - Oct 4. Topic TBA
- SVBUG (BSD group) in SJ - Oct 5. Jordan Holland, co-founder of BSD.
- SacLUG - Oct. 11. Topic TBA
- Installfests - Next IF on the 3rd Sunday of October (Oct. 15th),
in cooperating with the UCDavis CS club and sponsored (free pizza!) by
Taos, the Sysadmin Company.
- LERT - One call - a Mandrake fix-up (installed Debian instead).
Donated $15.00 to LUGOD.
Other Business
- Financial Report - $38.00 was collected in voluntary
- Z-World Donation - Jim offered to buy, burn, and label CDs
using a personalized LUGOD graphic!!
- Incoming Freshmen - We may have a "What's Linux" intro. for
incoming UC Davis CS students. We'll also talk to ECS 30 professors
to mention it to their students.
- Business Cards - Bill Kendrick will order 1000 LUGOD business cards
at Office Max.
- vox-tech Archive - Our technical mailing list, "vox-tech," is
now archived at
- Linux Games - Pete Salzman will begin creating games (like
"Linux Family Feud") for upcoming meetings, hopefully starting at the
Mark K. Kim demonstrated creating an answering machine or voicemail
system using a voice modem, Linux, and "VGETTY" software.
- Bill Kendrick
- Jen Rutherford
- Pete Salzman
- Zach Johnson
- Bill Alexander
- Jim Riffel
- Joel Baumert
- Rhonda Bailey
- Jessica Luedtke
- Jeff DeFay
- Tom Edwards
- Bill Snell
- Mike Simons
- Roland Minden
- Mark Kim
Quote of the Meeting
"Yo yo yo! LUGOD is NOT in the hoooooouse!" - Pete's outgoing message on
of this meeting