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2000.07.17 Meeting Notes
- uses Linux servers now, replaced their Sun computers with
IBM Netfinities.
- "Henzai" is making GNOME work on PDA's.
- Microsoft announces ".net." Like Hotmail is to e-mail, .net is to
computers. Imagine running a remote word processor, and renting it. (BAD IDEA!!)
- "Tux Typing," a kids game that teaches typing, has been released.
- IBM is producing Crusoe-based Thinkpads by the end of the year.
- It's rumored on Slashdot that Sun is going to GPL StarOffice.
- A group developing a micro X-window replacement has created a tiny
HTML 3.2-compliant web browser for it.
- New 2.4 kernel done, coming out "soon."
- FBI has a software/hardware package called "Carnivore" that they want
all ISP's to put on their systems to keep track of everyone.
- DVD decoding case coming out.
- has a great Napster/Metallica cartoon. (Warning, it
contains very foul language!)
- Bill will be responsible for, a Hampsterdance take-off.
- Bill's "Mad Bomber" game was reviewed in Maximum Linux magazine!
- People may want to go to the next City Council meeting on Wednesday to
hear about
Committee Reports
Other Business
- Pete held a contest in which the winner would receive his/her choice of
free swag for guessing what stupid question a PacBell employee asked him.
The question turned out to be "What is an IP address?", guessed correctly
by Roland Minden.
- Pete also did a survey for an upcoming "Linux Family Fued" game:
- 0-5 answers: Least favorite distro.
- 0-5 answers: Favorite distro.
- 0-5 answers: Favorite Window Manager.
- 0-4 answers: Favorite editors.
- 0-3 answers: Favorite Microsoft Operating System.
- 0-8 answers: Favorite game for Linux.
- 0-10 answers: Favorite non-Linux-related magazine.
- 0-5 answers: Favorite Linux magazine or e-zine.
- 0-10 answers: Favorite Linux figurehead
- 0-5 answers: Favorite LUG (Linux Users Group)
- 0-5 answers: Most exciting "dot-com" or Linux-related IPO.
- 0-8 answers: Favorite e-mail client
- 0-15 answers: Favorite TLA (Three-Letter Acronym)
- 0-10 answers: Favorite emoticon (eg, "
:^) "...)
To contribute answers, e-mail: Pete
Salzman before August 1st!
- Financial Report - $49.79 was collected in voluntary
- Drew Parsons explained the GTK+ (Gimp Toolkit) graphical interface
programming library.
Notes available
- Henry House
- Carl Yates
- Jessica Luedtke
- Mike Simons
- Mark Kim
- Bill Kendrick
- Bob George
- Joel Baumert
- Rhonda Bailey
- Pete Salzman
- Jen Rutherford
- Aura DeSaussure
- Eric Engelhard
- Dave Walterson
- Roland Minden
- Jim
- Dave Nelson
- John Hanson
- Drew Parsons
- Farhan Kilamy
- Steven Helms
Quotes of the Meeting
- "Ask me about bizarre things because I'm bizarre." -Henry
- "I'm actually on the Red Hat side this time." -Jessica, relating an
argument over security with an insane guy.
of this meeting