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2000.06.06 Meeting Notes
- Pete is writing the games column in "Maximum Linux" magazine. His
first review, that of "Hopkins: FBI" is in this month's issue.
- WINE version 1.0 is imminent.
- The US wants total police power over the Internet, and what is regarded
as a crime.
- Microsoft is shutting down eBay auctions of MicroSoft software (even
unopened, shrinkwrapped stuff!)
- A brother and sister in France are suing the country because they want
to be allowed to keep their deceased mother in a refridgerated class
coffin in the basement.
- In Pennsylvania, it is now a crime to spread a virus.
- Minors are not allowed to download Corel Linux.
- Ultraspark 3 will be ready soon.
Committee Reports
- Demo - The computer that VA Linux has lent us is now online,
running Debian 2.2. It can be ssh'd into at
Anyone can have an account or mess around with a guest account. It
is being maintained by Henry House. There are plans to have a
"try to break into this machine" contest, with a LUGOD t-shirt as
the award. A Linux demo (using this box) at the Davis Food Co-Op is
going to be scheduled, once the Co-Op gets back to us on when
some dusty construction will be over with.
- Other LUGs - SVLUG meets on June 7th. Andre (?), a Kernel
hacker will be speaking. Rob Ferber from OpenSales will be talking
at sacLUG on June 14th.
- Installfest - The last IF was small. The next will be on
June 18th.
- LERT - No LERT activity.
Other Business
- Rob Ferber, founder of OpenSales, Inc., spoke about distributed
computing without Beowulf - constructing delocalized business systems
that can survive the loss of a server cluster as readily as the loss
of a server, as well as how OpenSales' "AllCommerce" product does and
will do this.
- Pete Salzman
- Jen Rutherford
- Bill Kendrick
- Bob George
- Joel Baumert
- Jessica Luedtke
- Verbus Counts
- Melissa Hardenbrook
- Rhonda Bailey
- Mary Jane Budny
- Eric Engelhard
- Russ Dawson
- Ken Rosner
- Dave Nelson
- Zach Johnson
- Jeff Newmiller
- Jeff Duncan
- Henry House
- Chuck Polisher
- Mark K. Kim
- Drew Parsons
- Rob Ferber
- Remington Stone
- ...and about 5 others
Quote of the Week
A Linux haiku:
Penguins don't fly far
Except with burning jet packs
Mmm, bird barbeque
of this meeting