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2000.04.17 Meeting Notes
- LinuxCare IPO is stalled.
- StarOffice 5.2 preview is out.
- Angelina Jolie will play "Lara Croft" in a 'Tomb Raider' movie.
- Metallic sues Napster and 3 colleges who won't ban it.
- Edmund Gorey died.
- SuSE adds a 7th CDROm to it's distro (LinuxPPC install)
- Star Trek: Voyager is ending
- SGI has released the "XFS" file system (which is journaling!).
- MicroSoft FrontPage has a secret password to let people hack into it:
"Netscape engineers are weenies!", backwards). It was undiscovered for
FOUR years. MicroSoft weenies... err... engineers were fired.
- AT&T will provide cable modems (cable downstream, phone upstream)
in about two months.
- LinuxWorld Expo will be in San Jose in August.
Committee Reports
- Demo Committee - Bryan Frane might be interested in heading
up this committee.
- Ambassador to Other LUGs - SacLUG meets May 10th, Debian developers
will be speaking.
- DCN - No changes.
Other Business
- Pete Salzman briefly went over the RSA encryption algorithm.
- Drew Parsons explained PGP: Pretty Good Privacy, an e-mail authentication
and encryption system, and GnuPG and GnomePGP, two PGP programs for Linux.
Notes are available.
- Bill Kendrick
- Pete Salzman
- Henry House
- Joel Baumert
- Jen Rutherford
- Rhonda Bailey
- Alfredo
- Seth Nagao
- John Verderber
- Jessica Luedtke
- Evan Scarisbrick
- Tom Trueblood
- Drew Parsons
- Bryan Frane
- Jeff Newmiller
- John Marks
- Dave Simmons
- Larry Mooney
- Brennon Reynolds
- Jim Frampton
- Mark Kim
- Mike Simons
- Carl Yates
- John Habson
- ... and one other
of this meeting