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2000.03.20 Meeting Notes
- Walnut Creek CDROM (creators of OpenBSD) merge with BDSi.
- BSD announces multiprocessor support
- China installed a huge firewall called "The Great Firewall of China"
- Arizona democrats voted using the Internet. (Triple turnout!)
- XFree86 4.0 is out.
- KDE 2.0 beta is out.
- DOSemu 1.0.0 is out (it's out of beta)
- Deneba's Canvas 7.0 will be available for Linux for free. (Intel only,
PPC soon?)
Committee Reports
Other Business
- Financial Report - We collected $49.03 in voluntary dues.
- Installfest - The last installfest was cancelled due to finals.
The next installfest will be on April 16th, EUII Room 1131. RSVP with
Pete Salzman. Taos, the Sysadmin Company, will be sponsoring the IF (free
pizza!). They'll be talking about recruiting, so bring your resumes!
- Bylaws Amendment - The amendment regarding quorum was skipped, due
to time constraints. It will be discussed on VOX.
- APCUG - Bill wasn't ready to talk about APCUG and will next time.
- Flyers - Bill discussed the ideas of putting LUGOD flyers and
pamphlets up at locations like electronic and computer stores, colleges,
and libraries. Heron Technology and City Hall were also mentioned as
good locations.
- Library Donation - An amendment was made to the bylaws:
Paraphrased, it is: "The librarian can throw away or donate items (s)he
deems outdated, provided they have been brought to at least one general
meeting and offered 'up for grabs.'"
- Picnic Day - Picnic Day is April 15th. It starts at around noon.
Volunteers came forward to help out. Please post to VOX if you'd like
to help!
- Henry House talked about the history of the Macintosh, Linux for the Mac
(MkLinux and Linux/PPC), and demonstrated installing and using Linux on
a Mac laptop, as well as running "mol", "Mac-On-Linux," which lets you run
MacOS within Linux on a Linux/PPC box!
Notes available.
- Brian Murtha of Z-World talked about the company. A summary will be
available on the LUGOD website.
- Pete Salzman's demo. of Portsentry was postponed until the next meeting,
due to time constraints.
- Bill Kendrick
- Pete Salzman
- Henry House
- Joel Baumert
- Jen Rutherford
- Micah Cowan
- Eric Engelhard
- Brian Higgins
- Brian Murtha
- Jim Riffel
- Rhonda Bailey
- Chuck Ritchie
- Pamela Gibling
- Alfredo
- Seth Nagao
- Paul Condan
- Jeff Newmiller
- John Alden
- Allan Hollander
- John Verderber
- Doug Walter
- Paul Davis
- Mike Simons
- Jessica Luedtke
- (and three others)
of this meeting
Quote of the Meeting
"I basically stopped using MacOS. I actually had to reinstall it for this
[demo]" - Henry House.