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2000.03.07 Meeting Notes

Committee Reports

  • UCD HOWTOs - Pete Salzman has created a UCD PPP configuration script, mainly for use at Installfests. RESNET HOWTO has been updated.

  • Tax Exempt Status - No change. (Waiting for IRS)

  • Demo Committee - No change.

  • Ambassador to Other LUGs - SacLUG, 3/8, Samba. Installfest 3/12. LUGOD Installfest 3/19, Meeting 3/20.

  • DCN - No updates available.

Other Business

  • Financial Report - We collected $29.65 in voluntary dues.

  • Installfest - The next installfest is Sunday, March 19th. We should contact any UCD professors who encourage their students to install Linux, so that they can get the word out to their students about our IF's.


  • Greg Roelofs explained the PNG graphics format and briefly touched on his experience working on the Mozilla project.

  • Pete Salzman briefly demonstrated his UCD PPP configuration script.


  • Joel Baumert
  • Pete Salzman
  • Bill Kendrick
  • Allan Hollander
  • Evan Scarisbrick
  • Jessica Leudtke
  • Drew Parsons
  • Foo Lim
  • Pete Raver
  • Henry House
  • Nate Puri
  • Illya Konnoff
  • Clyde Reed
  • Ruben Moncada
  • Alison Kent
  • Dave Simmons
  • Russell Dawson
  • Bill Mannering
  • Eric Engelhard
  • John Hanson
  • Greg Roelofs
  • Mike Simons
  • Susie Quach
  • Ankur Shah
  • Brian Lavendar
  • Rhonda Bailey

Photos of this meeting

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LUGOD is a 501(c)7 non-profit organization
based in Davis, California
and serving the Sacramento area.
"Linux" is a trademark of Linus Torvalds.

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