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1999.11.01 Meeting Notes
Committee Reports
- PPP How To - No change.
- Resnet How To - No change.
- Tax Exempt Status - No change. (Still waiting for results from
- Farmer's Market - Last Saturday, LUGOD did NOT go to the
Farmer's Market. We are looking for someone who is willing to
coordinate LUGOD's booth at Farmer's Market (ie, plan then, coordinate
transportation, etc.). If you are interested in becoming chair of the
committee, contact Pete Salzman. We also need people interested in helping
populate the booth (three people per market is optimal). Finally, a suitable
method to block sky glare on the monitors would be very useful!
- Ambassador to other LUGS - Chris DiBona of VA Linux Systems
will be demonstrating his "organizer on steroids" at SacLUG on
Wednesday. See SVLUG is meeting Wednesday.
- Davis Community Network - No word as to when our next
meeting with them to help install Linux will be. However, we will
be meeting with them at 6:30pm on November 2, to plan a public
"Linux Tutorial" class to be held on November 15th!
Other Business
- Financial Report - We collected $61.25 in voluntary dues. Our
account now holds $270.07.
- T-Shirts - Evan came back with $8 as the cost for white T-Shirts
and $9 for colored T-shirts, with single-colored logos on front and back.
Popular vote
has decided that Tux the Penguin and the acronym "LUGOD" will be on the
front pocket position, and the LUGOD watertower logo and the name
"Linux Users' Group of Davis" will be on the back. We will, however,
accept entries for T-shirt designs, and vote for them at our November 15th
- Install Fest - Last weekend's installfest in EUII went from 10am
to 8:30pm. About 17 machines were brought in throughout the day, but
three did not get Linux working on them (their owners were impatient to
get helped). Most got RedHat installed. Even, Mike, Ajay and people
from the UCD CS club where there. We need more people to help install,
a coordinator for installfests, and a checklist for people to fill out
so that helpers with certain skills can be best used. If interested in
helping, e-mail the VOX mailing list.
- Mad Bomber - Bill Kendrick showed off his new Linux game,
Mad Bomber.
- Pete Salzman once again did part 2 of his "Shell Scripting Basics" talk.
- Evan Scarisbrick
- Jennifer Rutherford
- Mike Simons
- Pete Salzman
- Gabe Rosa
- Tim Maurer
- Marianne Waage
- Remington Stone
- Edawrd Broyles new
- Carl Lischeske new
- Val Luck new
- Tim Ellis new
- Koki Tsunoda new
- Charles Ritchie new
- Max Boyce new
- Zach Johnson
- Christine Scobee and Ian
- and about 11 more
Scandalous News:
- Two spammers killed execution-style in New Jersey (from Slashdot)
- A naked parade was held to raise awareness of Y2K problems (from NY Times)