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1999.07.23 Meeting Notes
We (although "we" turned out to be very few people, what a shock!) met at
Lamppost Pizza in Davis. Mike Simons was supposed to be guest
speaker, but due to a. small attendance and b. the room not being set up
well, he was postponed to the next meeting.
Committee Reports
- Ambassador to other LUGs - Mike took over in lieu of Joe (take a wild
guess what happened to him) and did the announcements. SVLUG meets on the
first Wednesday of each month. August 10-12 is the Linux Expo in the San
Jose Convention Center, to which we can get in free when provided with a
flyer that Mike can get ahold of. Anyone who wishes to go for the entire
three days and not have to keep driving home is welcome to crash at Joe's
(apparently very large) place- his home is open to approximately ten
people. SacLUG meets the second Wednesday of each month, and they had an
installfest last week or so.
- PPP How To - Not done yet.
- Tax Exempt Club Status - "My report can be summarized as "Oops."
Eventually we will probably need to vote on whether or not we're willing
to spend $150 on becoming tax-exempt or not.
- Logo Committee - Bill's water tower drawing won with 8 votes. Pete's
penguin was runner-up with seven, and the penguin silhouette and the
bicycle non-drawing were close behind.
Other Business
- Financial Report- After dues, we have $210.
- Linux Emergency Response Team- $5-$15 voluntary donations (on a sliding
scale) will be asked for for each LERT member that goes to help someone.
We need to talk to Bob Scofield about coming up with a waiver. Pete asked
for volunteers to join the team, more are needed. Those interested can
contact Pete in e-mail or at a meeting.
- Mike Simons's strace talk has been moved to the next meeting, so we
didn't have one.
- Pete Salzman
- Hans Uhlig
- Jennifer Rutherford
- Remington Stone
- Greg Young
- Zach Johnson
- Mike Simons
- Marianne Waage
- Tom Trueblood
- Bill Simpson - new
- Dawn ? - new
.. and two others who arrived late.
Quotes of the Meeting
- "Microsoft is still not out of business. Let's work on this." -
Remington Stone
- "This was the shortest meeting in the history of LUGOD." - Pete Salzman