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1999.07.13 Meeting Notes
We met at LampPost Pizza in Davis. Pete Salzman presented Part II
of his "Shell Programming Basics" talk and some recruiters from
Taos Mountain talked about their
company, passed out goodies, and even bought us all pizza!!!
Committee Reports
- Tax Exempt Club Status - Since it may cost $150.00, we are going
to wait until Remington can see if we can get around the cost. If not,
it is most likely that we will end up paying anyway, since we can now
afford it.
- LUGOD Logo - The web-based voting script will be online July 14th!
A price-list has been picked up from The Screaming Squeegee, and it appears
T-shirts will cost between $5.70 and $10.75, depending on how many we order.
There's also a $15 or $25 silkscreen charge.
- Ambassador to Other LUGs -
Joe was again out of town. Brian Lavendar from
the Sacramento LUG attended our
meeting. Their next meeting is Wednesday, July 14th at CalWeb in Sac.
They are also having an Install Fest on Saturday, July 17th.
- Pete Salzman presented part II of
his talk: "Shell Programming Basics."
Notes available
An amazing 29 people attended. (Amazing because school is out and
everyone is out of town.) (Perhaps not so amazing, since there was
free pizza. :^) )
- Bill Kendrick
- Tom Trueblood
- Sarah Clausen
- Remington Stone
- Jennifer Rutherford
- Foo Lim
- Takashi Ishihara
- Zach White
- David Pitts
- Brian Lavendar
- Rich Cook
- Forrest Edwards
- Andrew Clark (Taos)
- Jeff Graham (Taos)
- Josh Cohen
- Zach Johnson
- Mike Simons
- Marianne Waage
- Peter Salzman
- Melissa Hardenbrook
- and 8 others...
Photos of this meeting