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1999.06.28 Meeting Notes

We met at LampPost Pizza in Davis. Pete Salzman presented Part I of his "Shell Programming Basics" talk.

Committee Reports

  • Tax Exempt Club Status - We have determined that it costs $150.00 (one time cost) to be reviewed for Tax Exempt Status. We will probably vote on whether we'd like to spend that much to become "non profit..."
  • LUGOD Logo - A web-based voting script is being developed. Unfortunately, it's not running correctly on our website. Mother.com will be looking into it.
  • Ambassador to Other LUGs - Joe Arruda couldn't attend. Mike Simons filled in. SVLUG doesn't have a schedule available yet. SacLUG will have a talk on Oracle. BALUG's next meeting will feature someone from VA Linux Research who has supposedly "ported Linux to a vaccuum cleaner."


  • Pete Salzman, current "root" (Chairperson) of LUGOD, present part I of his talk: "Shell Programming Basics." We got to test out Bill Kendrick's cool new AverMedia iMicro device (converts VGA into composite video (TV))

    Notes available


  • (No attendance sheet was passed out <:^(... about 10 people attended)

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Hosting provided by:
Sunset Systems
Sunset Systems offers preconfigured Linux systems, remote system administration and custom software development.

LUGOD: Linux Users' Group of Davis
Contact Us

LUGOD is a 501(c)7 non-profit organization
based in Davis, California
and serving the Sacramento area.
"Linux" is a trademark of Linus Torvalds.

Sponsored in part by:
O'Reilly and Associates
For numerous book donations.