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1999.06.14 Meeting Notes
We met at Round Table Pizza in Davis. Our guest speaker was
Sam Lantinga of Loki Entertainment Software, Irvine, CA.
Committee Reports
- UCD RESNET-HOWTO - We are still waiting for
approval or denial from UCD IT.
- Tax Exempt Club Status - Still in progress, nothing to report.
- LUGOD Logo - A web-based voting script is being developed.
Once it is online, it will be announced onthe VOX mailing list and at
the next meeting.
- Ambassador to Other LUGs -
Linus Torvalds is speaking at BALUG
Other Business:
- Financial Report - ???
- Elections - With no office receiving more than one nomination,
voting was unnecessary. The offices remain the same:
- root - Pete Salzman
- sys - Bill Kendrick
- /dev/null - Zach Johnson
- typescript - Melissa Hardenbrook
- Donation - Joseph Arruda donated copies of FreeBSD 3.2,
NetBSD 1.4 and two copies of Caldera OpenLinux 2.2.
- Linux Demo Day - We are signed up. More will be revealed as
something happens with the project.
- MicroSoft Store - Joe pointed out that an MS store (!?) will be
opening up in San Francisco in the next month or so. We may wish to,
shall we say, be a presence?
- Riot? - Jennifer Rutherford, Jessica Luedtke and Melissa Hardenbrook
chanted "riot" for a few moments. Wierdos.
- (No attendance sheet was passed out
<:^( ... about
28-30 people attended)
"Now it's time for Open Forum... let's just skip that."