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1999.02.23 Meeting Notes
Once again we met at Steve's Pizza. We ended up in the not-quite-back
room, which turned out to be a bit of an annoyance. Though we had
plenty of room, there was background noise. sys is going to be calling
further ahead of time to prevent this from happening again. :)
- Please be sure to sign up to the mailing list! All announcements from
now on will be through there.
- Amendments to the LUGoD Constitution
- Yolo to be changed to Yolo county in Artcle 2, Number 3
- Changing the policy of voting on a matter brought up at a
meeting in Article 5:
"In the absence of objection to voting, a vote will take place
immediately. Otherwise uoting will take place at the next
- Dan Benson from the OCA announced an upcoming talk:
- Wes Hardacre, programmer of the UCD SNMP will be talking
- Where: 1131 Engineering 2 on UCD campus, 1st floor conference room
- When: March 10, 5pm
- Possibly form a group and head to Sudwerks later
- He hopes to get more open source contributors together for
recognition, sharing, and talks.
- Make sure to reserve a place farther in the future, so we don't get
stuck in a room full of screaming babies and drink vending.
- Installfest suggestions
- spreading info, if not necessarily Linux CDs
- maybe a table by the MU, Farmer's Market, or picnic day
- Linux in the News
- There was a CNN show on
Linux, mostly RedHat, at 10p, Feb 24
- Linux-thing on local public TV. It was lousy and the guy
didn't know what he was talking about.
- Pro-linux article in PCWeek
- SacBee article
about Linux's recent backing by big companies, IBM, Dell, etc.
- Microsoft Update 99: Several people volunteered to pass out
pro-Linux flyers and pamphlets at the MS update, Feb 26 in MU 2.
- The talks targeted were:
- 1:00 - 2:30p: Office 2000 overview
- 2:45 - 4:15p: Windows 2000/Windows NT
- Marianne Waage will make pamphlets if text is provided for her
- Cross-mail info to oca list: