[vox] Tux Paint 0.9.25 (and happy holidays!)

Rod Roark rod at sunsetsystems.com
Tue Dec 29 02:30:20 PST 2020

Happy Holidays from Australia! Hoping all you Linux geeks up North are 
staying healthy.


On 29/12/20 3:59 pm, Bill Kendrick wrote:
> Happy holidays from the Pacific Northwest.  No snow where I'm at
> (southern part of Puget Sound), but winter only just officially
> started.
> For folks out here with kids, grandkids, nieces/nephews, etc.,
> I wanted to share the fact that my volunteer team and I pushed
> another version of Tux Paint out the door.  (Twice in a year, wow!)
> So far it's available as source-code (fairly easy to build on Linux),
> for macOS (10.10 and up -- thanks to LUGOD's very own Mark Kim!),
> and Android (5.0 and up).  I'm hopeful we'll soon have RHEL Linux RPMs
> and Windows EXE and ZIP builds, as well.
> A few "bringing it to the 2020s" features/enhancements have been added,
> including:
>   * animated GIF export (via the Open -> Slides feature that already
>     existed for many years), so you can Tweet, Insta, whatever
>   * onscreen keyboard (when using the Text & Label tools) now scales up
>     to match the insanely high-resolution monitors people have these days
>     (especially useful for coarse input devices, like eye-gaze trackers
>     used by folks who can't control a mouse or other hand-based input)
> Learn more here: http://www.tuxpaint.org/latest/tuxpaint-0.9.25-press-release-en.php
> Download here: http://www.tuxpaint.org/download/
> (Source: http://www.tuxpaint.org/download/source/)
> Enjoy, and happy new year!

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