[vox] Request for help with publicity materials

Kevin Weedon wertperch at protonmail.com
Wed Sep 13 10:09:02 PDT 2017

For the past couple of weeks, some of us have been discussing ways of getting more people involved in LUGOD, and to that end I've been working on some ideas for publicity flyers and stickers. Some example documents are now on the website at http://www.lugod.org/documents/handouts/drafts/draft-lugod-handouts-sept-2017.odt. I'd love to get your feedback on the content and layout.

Where I'd most your appreciate help is in designing graphics for use in flyers, but especially for the 3" stickers we're proposing. I'd originally wanted to use a variation of the graphic at http://www.clipartbest.com/cliparts/Rid/g9X/Ridg9Xyi9.png (which I've used in one variant of the proposed flyer) but I'm also keen to have alternative ideas. One thought I'd had was Tux on a pennyfarthing bicycle, for example.

If any of you are willing to share comments, ideas or time on this, I'd be very grateful.

Kevin Weedon, Vice-President and general word wrangler.
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