[vox] LUGOD member list housekeeping!

Bob Scofield scofield at omsoft.com
Sun Jun 26 20:42:20 PDT 2016

Hi Bill.

I did not get an email earlier today.  I'm happy with the way things 
are.  I want to continue getting Lugod email.

Take care.


On 06/26/2016 08:27 PM, Bill Kendrick wrote:
> Since you're receiving this email, you probably consider yourself among
> the 550+ members of LUGOD.
> Did you ever fill out a membership form at a meeting?
> If so, and you didn't get an email from me earlier today, checking up on
> your status, that means your email bounced!  Did you get a new address?
> Let me know!
> If you never did fill out a membership form, but you'd like to be listed
> on the "Members Page" of the website, let me know!
> If any of your other publicly-visible info has changed (website
> address, expertise, and/or occupation), let me know, too, so I can update it!
> For more info, see: http://lugod.org/members/

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