[vox] Rumor has it SACLUG is dead.

Rick Moen rick at linuxmafia.com
Wed Jul 20 17:53:50 PDT 2016

Quoting Brian E. Lavender (brian at brie.com):

> SacLUG is still alive, but since I now teach adjunct, I am finding
> a harder time having meetings. Maybe we should just start a club at
> American River College? That's where I teach adjunct. I teach them all
> Windoze. :) Actually, I teach intro programming class and structured
> programming in C/C++.

I was _pretty_ sure you noticed the 1999 time-stamp on the referenced
page (in the URL among other places).  But I just wanted to make sure.

I figured you _probably_ were just making a joke, pretending to not
notice you were referring to a 17-year-old meeting bulletin.

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