[vox] Recovering data

Mark's tech help markindavis at hush.com
Thu Feb 19 17:45:44 PST 2015

     At the possible risk of beating a dead horse, here's a recent article which seems germane.  Not exhaustive, but introduces things well.
     Was at that site looking for a course I heard about on a recent "Linux Luddites" podcast.  (Has there ever been a  "What Are You Listening To"  thread?)  Any ideas on getting Edu-type financing to cover the hefty course tuitions?  I'm self-taught since the previous century-- and school, but didn't finish at UCD.  Now accepting internship offers!

<p>Copy <a href="https://stallman.org/no-facebook.png">this button</a> (courtesy of R.Siddharth) to express your rejection of Facebook.</p>
   Courtesy of stallman.org --  with which I concur ~99.99992%!

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