[vox] Possible free Intel Galileo Development board

Brian Lavender brian at brie.com
Tue Jul 8 07:54:50 PDT 2014

On Sun, 2014-07-06 at 21:57 -0700, Lance Geroso wrote:
> Hi guys. I'm just letting you guys know that there is a possible free
> Intel Galileo board you can sign up for here -->
> http://www.windowsondevices.com/

The first sample is always free, isn't it? I wonder how my marketing
information is worth to Microsoft? 

Hey, did you know you can run GNU/Linux on the Galileo board.

And build a burglar alarm using the board

Debian thread

And buy the board. Found MCM has it for 81 bucks. Can't vouch for them
as a vendor though

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