[vox] [fwd] DCN News: Explorit connected, broadband, programming class, District Dollars update]

Bill Kendrick nbs at sonic.net
Tue Apr 22 21:46:20 PDT 2014

A couple of things of particular interest to folks out here in LUGOD land.

Explorit (where we occasionally meet) has wifi now.  I'll ask and see if
it's something we (and our guest speakers) can take advantage of during
the meetings we hold there.

Davis Roots is offering an intro programming class, using Python.



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Date: Tue, 22 Apr 2014 10:01:05 -0700
From: Davis Community Network News <dcn-news at mailman.dcn.org>
Subject: [DCN-News] DCN News: Explorit connected, broadband,
 programming class, District Dollars update
To: dcn-news at mailman.dcn.org
Reply-To: dcn-admin at dcn.org

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    DCN News                                         Davis Community Network  
    April 22, 2014, Issue No. 2/2014          
    In this issue:                            
     1. Explorit gets wirelessed              
     2. Heartbleed                            
     3. Citywide broadband fiber              
     4. Ad-free email + community support     
     5. Davis Roots offers programming class  
     6. District Dollars updated              
     7. Classes                               
    1. Omsoft, DCN, DJUSD help Explorit get a good wireless connection
    DCN has built a wireless link betweenA ExploritA and Korematsu
    Elementary, giving Explorit its first good wireless Internet connection.
    The link seems to be working beautifully. 
    The donation originated withA Omsoft, which gave about $750 in time and
    $300 in parts via DCN, which turned around and donated to Explorit. Rob
    Nickerson, president of Omsoft, is vice president of DCN.
    Anne Hance, a founder of Explorit and longtime DCN trustee, passes along
    appreciation to the Davis Joint Unified School District for allowing
    Korematsu to be a way station helping the wireless signal reach
    2. No Heartbleed bug at Omsoft            
    You've probably read about theA Heartbleed bug, and might have wondered
    whether it presents a risk to your DCN services. Here's an advisory from
    Rob Nickerson, president of Omsoft, which provides server space for DCN
    services and email accounts:              
    "Our servers do not use Open SSL, the implementation of SSL that has
    this problem. That being said, if your Omsoft/DCN email password is a
    common one that you use all over the Internet, it might be prudent to
    change your password with us. You may do so by working with Usermin,
    at:A https://wheel.dcn.davis.ca.us:20000/"
    3. Citywide broadband fiber               
    This subject will be worth tracking. On the consent calendar of the
    April 22 Davis City Council meeting, item G asks the council to
    authorize Chief Innovation Officer Rob White to seek proposals to use
    "city infrastructure to install a communications network that provides
    ultra-high speed, broadband fiber (gigabit and above), and other
    next-generation communications services citywide."
    4. $30/year for ad-free email, plus community support
    (We're sending this message out to the community via various channels
    and friends this spring. Please help us spread the word.)
    If you are receiving this message, it is because you use one or more of
    DCN's Internet services for nonprofits and community groups.
    Our prices to you have remained the same since 1993: free!
    Unfortunately, our costs have continued to rise.
    If you appreciate using a local nonprofit that provides free websites,
    email listserves and community calendars, and would like to help DCN
    continue its services to the community, there are a number of ways you
    can help.                                 
      * Consider signing up for a DCN email account through our ISP partner
        Omsoft Technologies. Besides offering short and sweet "you at dcn.org"
        addresses, Omsoft provides extremely secure and private accounts.
        When you permanently delete an email, it really is deleted, not just
        moved to a little trashcan in the cloud. Also, no one at DCN or
        Omsoft is scanning your messages so that we can show you ads (we
        don't show ads). Technical advice and services are also available
        right here in Davis. The cost is only $2.50 per month, all of which
        goes directly to DCN.                 
      * Donate to DCN! You may do so through Paypal by visiting the "Support
        DCN" link onA our website. Or you can mail a check to:
        Davis Community Network               
        1623 Fifth St.                        
        Davis, CA 95616                       
      * Get involved with the DCN board of directors. We are always looking
        for fresh ideas and new energy!       
    5. Program or be programmed               
    Davis Roots is offering an Introduction to Programming class starting
    Saturday, April 26, and continuing on Saturdays through May. The class
    will feature the Python programming language, an excellent teaching
    language that's also widely used in Internet and scientific programming.
    DCN uses Python for most of its community applications.
    SeeA http://davisroots.org/event/intro-programming-class/A for details.
    6. District Dollars site updated for spring
    The new update ofA District Dollars, a "web-based, interactive program
    to help you understand the DJUSD budget situation," went live this week.
    It features lots of new material on the state's new financing scheme and
    how it affects the Davis Joint Unified School District budget. DCN
    provides hosting and technical assistance for District Dollars.
    7. Classes                                
    We're reviewing topics for classes that to present this year, either
    this fall or possibly this spring. If you know of a need for a specific
    class this spring, please let us know as soon as possible, and we'll try
    to get something arranged before summer. Please send ideas
    toA wmrbuchanan (at) gmail.com.           
    Davis Community NetworkA is a nonprofit organization that provides
    Internet-related services and support to local nonprofit organizations,
    public agencies, schools and individuals. We're putting the power of the
    Internet in the hands of people and organizations to connect, engage,
    and build a stronger community - since 1993.
    Follow us on Facebook.                    
    For DCN account and technical support, contact our partner OmSoft
    Technologies:A help at dcn.orgA or (530)758-0119 (Just say "DCN")
    Other questions:A admin at dcn.orgA or (530)750-1170
    Change address:A http://mailman.dcn.org/options/dcn-news
    Unsubscribe:A http://www2.dcn.org/dcn/about/dcn-news

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