[vox] Home automation/Physical security
Bill Broadley
bill at broadley.org
Thu Aug 29 00:21:20 PDT 2013
On 07/16/2013 09:21 AM, bob maccione wrote:
> I don't have the budget for the Axis cameras so I use cheap security
> cameras (from Costco and < 100 bucks) that I hook up to an Aviosys 9100A
> video converters (http://www.aviosys.com/9100.html) which has a lot of
> support on the net for hacks, etc (http://www.aviosys.com/9100.html).
> The whole cost was actually cheaper than an Axis camera for my 3 camera
> setup.
Indeed. But I didn't want just cameras, I wanted 2-way audio so I could
answer the door from anywhere with a network connection. A high quality
sensor (works well in the low light), knock sensor, and internal motion
detection seems pretty worthwhile as well. I was hoping to avoid
feeding analog signals -> analog to digital conversion -> desktop ->
motion detection.
> Now this was done years ago and if I was to do it today I would probably
> look some of the wired network cameras. The biggest issue is getting
> power to the camera, I'm also using a POE (power over ethernet) camera
> which has been working pretty well.
Various home brew POE seem to work quite well. I've seen non-standard,
but quite usable solutions for under $10. They don't use 48V (the PoE
standard) but work fine as long as you control both ends.
> My next task is to get a camera that I can put at face level so I can
> get a higher resolution of the person approaching the door, this would
> be really nice to have but needs a better quality camera (1M pixel
> probably) and better light control.
Sounds like an axis ;-).
> X10 - I've been an X10 user for over 30 years and am so happy to be
> away from that mess
> but the security modules were pretty bad. I'm now using a z-wave
> system and am much happier, it's more of a hassle to configure but I'm
> on year 2 with simple lights usage and it's been pretty solid.
So you are using z-wave? Which system? Some z-wave usb dongle? Any
monthly fees? I'd like something trustworthy enough to control a front
door, garage door, or similar without being subject to a simple try all
combinations or replay attacks. I'd also like to avoid batteries.
I'm now thinking of a $50 linux box (raspberry pi or beagle bone)
controlling a relay.
> Watering -- I have been looking at Open Sprinkler kit
> (http://rayshobby.net/?page_id=160) and it seems pretty neat. It's
Indeed, pretty slick, thanks for the URL.
> I would really like to have a way to tape my dog barking and then when
> someone knocks on the door have it playback when I'm not home. The dog
> has a really deep house shaking bark that causes people to back up a
> couple steps when she barks. :-)
The axis has a knock sensor ;-). I've heard thieves prefer the loud
knock over the door bell. Given a linux box (existing or one of the $50
linux widgets) and a audio connection (analog, or hdmi) to something
like a home stereo you should be able to use that deep house shaking
bark to your advantage.
> That's it for me, good luck and let me know what you end up with.
Still planning, but I'm much closer to buying. If anyone is interested
helping please let me know. Doubly so if they have experience reading
data sheet and schematics and doing simple circuit design.
So desired functionality:
* monitor 3 temperatures and turn on attic fan when it saves
me money.
* turn on garage door when instructed to
* scream if garage door is open too long
I looked at the rasberry pi ($35-$40), but it was somewhat gross. It
uses a really old instruction set that some linux distros have already
ditched. For $45 you can get the beaglebone black. Nicer CPU, newer
instruction set (arm7 from 2009), healthy community, TONS of IO pins,
many "capes" to add functionality.
So my parts list:
* BeagleBone Black http://www.adafruit.com/products/1278 1GHz, 512MB
ram, 2GB storage, uSD slot, usb, ethernet, 2x46 pin $45.
* 2 magnetic switches for garage door position:
2x $6.45 = $13.54
* 3 temp sensors on 1-wire interface:
https://www.sparkfun.com/products/11050 3* $10 = $30
* Relay for attic fan, garage door, and some piezo buzzer:
http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0057OC5O8 $8
So I need a few other odds and ends, but so far $45+$14+$30+$8 = $97
sounds pretty reasonable. And plenty of spare GPIO pins for future
expansion. When it's this cheap I could even do a second one if needed
to control the sprinkler system. I'll have to balance cost and cable
BeagleBone has a very healthy community. Many projects, tutorials, code
examples, etc. I was particularly impressed by the python interface for
using the GPIO pins.
import Adafruit_BBIO.GPIO as GPIO
GPIO.setup("P8_14", GPIO.IN)
if GPIO.input("P8_14"):
How's that for simple? That could be one of my magnetic sensors. For
the 1-wire temp sensors they have a 64-bit ID and talk digitally to the
GPIO ports. You can literally cat the right /proc file to get the
So from what I can tell the above should involve minimal soldering
(mainly sensors/relays to headers) and minimal code to enable the
desired functionality.
Any suggestions? Anyone interested in similar?
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