[vox] What is the best Linux-friendly streaming video service?

Alex Mandel tech_dev at wildintellect.com
Wed Apr 24 23:01:48 PDT 2013

On 04/24/2013 03:59 PM, Bill Broadley wrote:
> On 04/24/2013 03:42 PM, Darth Borehd wrote:
>> I finally canceled my cable TV.  It was too expensive for things we
>> never watched.
> Same here.
>> I want to go a streaming service less than $10/month (which is still far
>> cheaper than Comcast).
>> Since it seems Netflix is almost hostile to supporting Linux, what do
>> you think is the best Linux-friendly streaming service?
> Not sure I'd say hostile.  They seem happy to switch to HTML5 once DRM
> is worked out.  Seems relatively likely in the near future.
> In the meantime they support windows, OSX, chromebooks, android, roku, etc.
> If you can't wait and don't want to buy a roku (I'm rather fond of
> ours), I suggest amazon's prime service.  It's under $10, works on
> linux, and has a fair amount of content.  Not as much as netflix though.

I've got the amazon prime, actually for the 2 day shipping the videos 
are a bonus. I've found that hulu works better, amazon seems to lag 
some. Both are mostly flash still.

FYI, you can make netflix work on linux now with a Wine hack.
I have verified that this does in fact work.

I would say, try the free offerings first... hulu... then pick whichever 
service has the content you actually want to watch.


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