[vox] What is the best Linux-friendly streaming video service?

Bill Broadley bill at broadley.org
Wed Apr 24 15:59:41 PDT 2013

On 04/24/2013 03:42 PM, Darth Borehd wrote:
> I finally canceled my cable TV.  It was too expensive for things we
> never watched. 

Same here.

> I want to go a streaming service less than $10/month (which is still far
> cheaper than Comcast).
> Since it seems Netflix is almost hostile to supporting Linux, what do
> you think is the best Linux-friendly streaming service?

Not sure I'd say hostile.  They seem happy to switch to HTML5 once DRM
is worked out.  Seems relatively likely in the near future.

In the meantime they support windows, OSX, chromebooks, android, roku, etc.

If you can't wait and don't want to buy a roku (I'm rather fond of
ours), I suggest amazon's prime service.  It's under $10, works on
linux, and has a fair amount of content.  Not as much as netflix though.

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