[vox] Fwd: Programmng the Kernel...

Mikies Runs Baal mikiesrunsbaal.sec at sbcglobal.net
Fri May 6 08:03:07 PDT 2011

On 5/1/2011 10:15 PM, Brian Lavender wrote:
> On Sat, Apr 23, 2011 at 09:01:25AM -0700, Mikies Runs Baal wrote:
>>     Jeff,
>>     Please, don't understate or ASS-U-ME anything other than what I stated.
>>     It is a major project for a Senior Project leading to Post Graduate
>>     work.
>>     If you have appropriate suggestions for the topic, on how-to approach
>>     such a project, or research resources, they will be much appreciated.
>>     I am in research mode atm, and looking for appropriate resource
>>     materials.
>>     I have d/l'd some materials from various unix/linux documentation
>>     sites, but specifically was asking about these published tomes, and
>>     others that people might be familiar with that they feel comfortable
>>     recommending.
>>     TIA,
>>     MJR
> MJR,
> I recommend taking the OS design class at Sac State, CSC 159. In it,
> you create your own OS. I highly recommend it. I don't know if you are
> at Sac State already, but if not, you may be able to convince the instructor
> to allow you to take it through Open University.
> brian

THANKS for the heads up.

I am currently independently working ahead of the course offerings of 
the community college as I have specific goals in mind. In fact, an 
emphasis on programming languages is not offered. Unfortunately, JAVA 
seems to be all the rage atm. And JAVA can't do what I am researching 
and working toward. I am trying to get permission for some of the 
advanced OOP courses to be completed using C/C++. There is some 
resistance though in spite of the fact that these courses were taught 
using C/C++ not too long ago.

I won't be staying local in all probability. CSU-Sacramento is not I 
school I will be considering attending. With all the cutbacks in 
education in California, when I was attending CSUS for other areas of 
interest, I found I had to seek a sponsor to complete offered courses as 
Independent Study. However, the suggested course above could only 
enhance my understanding of the Linux Kernel. I will reconsider it. THANKS.

I have been thinking about checking out course offerings at UCD. UCD has 
quite an extensive extension course offering or did at one time, but 
even there I may not find courses in the arena that I am focused. 
However, there is a relatively new professor at UCD whose PhD is in the 
area I ultimately want to work: Cryptanalysis/Cryptography.

I bought a copy of: The Linux Kernel Module Programming Guide, and am 
reviewing it atm which is quite short, but appears to be an excellent 
tutorial introduction to working with and programming the Linux kernel. 
I don't want to screw-up my Fedora laptop, so, I will need to learn to 
setup a separate boot partition to test the results of my 
experiementation. I am sort of thinking of using a 100MB (may be too 
small) ZIP drive or external HDD. I should be able to use GRUB to select 
a boot from the external drive.

I, also, have a copy of: Linux Device Drivers, Corbett, Rubini, & 
Kroah-Hartman, O'Reilly Publishing, and am reviewing it. It's quite a 
bit more technical, and not quite as easy.

Obviously, maybe not so obviously, I am into programming, and more 
specifically, R&D using C/C++ (taking C in the Fall). I'll be taking 
Assembler next Spring IF it is offered. I expect to transfer at the end 
of the next academic year.

If I am not careful, I could wind up volunteering for the tldp.org in 
some capacity.

If you have any tomes that you think might make good "light" reading 
(LOL), feel free to offer. Did you have a specific text for the course 
in OS's or was it put together by the professor in his/her syllabus?

I hope to start attending meetings again after the semester ends. So, 
see you l8r.



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