[vox] Who thinks Java is cool?

Wes Hardaker wjhns156 at hardakers.net
Thu Jun 16 10:47:38 PDT 2011

>>>>> On Thu, 16 Jun 2011 09:10:52 -0700, Alex Mandel <tech_dev at wildintellect.com> said:

AM> I also use Qt Creator but use it with PyQt in python based apps and have
AM> found it really useful and easier to work with than my other preference
AM> for GUIs WxWidgets. Qt Translator is also a really useful add-on for
AM> multi-lingual.

I've only barely tinkered with PyQt.  Because the Qt C++ classes make it
just as easy to write C++ as most scripting languages, I find it almost
just as easy to write in C++ now as perl/python.  Which is a very
interesting statement in itself: The Qt core base classes provide such a
good, powerful fast structure that the things that really made the
perl/python scripting languages faster (text parsing, hashes, etc) are
now *almost* as easy to write in C++.  Plus you get the native speed
boost, which in the end usually tips the tables.  I can almost always
tell when an app runs on my phone weather it's native Qt or pyqt.  It's
not significantly different, but until I stop noticing it...

AM> I'll note up until my recent foray into Android I had also much
AM> disliked eclipse which 5 years ago was a giant memory hog that liked
AM> to crash.

Yeah, I've been told by lots of android developers that I need to give
eclipse a try again.
Wes Hardaker                                     
My Pictures:  http://capturedonearth.com/
My Thoughts:  http://pontifications.hardakers.net/

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