[vox] Reasons you might not want to use OpenOffice

Michael Cheselka cheselka at gmail.com
Thu Oct 28 09:10:49 PDT 2010


Most of this doesn't apply to recent versions of OpenOffice.org.

As far as FS versus FOSS is concerned; they are the same thing.  FS is
considered vague( hence clarifying with "free as in speech vs free as
in beer") so people came up with FLOSS.  I personally believe it
should be Freedom Software or Freeing Software to make it easy and
clear.  Microsoft is in favor of free software because it enables them
to escape monopoly charges.  Also, Microsoft is currently wooing free
software developers to develop for Windows.  Many programs associated
with Linux are available for Windows now like Cygnus, GIMP,
OpenOffice.org, MPlayer, VLC, etc.* Many high end markets try to
control the low end, often by creating low products to compete with
their own high end products.  Hence, Coke introduced RC cola, Seiko
created Casio, etc...  Microsoft benefits from free software of all
types and would like to have more of it, not less.  The idea that
OpenOffice.org is threatening to Microsoft and that they would like to
stamp it out is not true.  They couldn't keep people from writing
useful programs and giving them away if they wanted.  It's guaranteed
as free speech.

There are numerous free software licenses but in my mind I simplify
them as either requiring you to contribute under some circumstances or
asking for nothing, or almost nothing, in return.
* of course the opposite has happened too, like Acroread, Skype,
Dropbox, VMware, and many others I can't name.

Michael Cheselka

On Wed, Oct 27, 2010 at 15:18, Will Marshall <marshaw3 at imail.losrios.edu> wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 27, 2010 at 1:00 PM, Bill Kendrick <nbs at sonic.net> wrote:
>> On Wed, Oct 27, 2010 at 10:25:49AM -0700, Brian Lavender wrote:
>>> What you say is exactly what is happening. I ask technical questions
>>> on the list about OpenOffice and no one responds. I post an email as to
>>> why you might not want to use OpenOffice and the FLOSS'ers (FOSS as you
>>> call it) immediately jump to its defense.  I think we have a number of
>>> hobbyists on this list. There should be a Lugod elite organization. Those
>>> who practice it and those who get it. ;-)
> Well, to a large degree before (and to some extent now) posting to
> this list, I just skimmed messages, and just trashed anything without
> immediate interest.  I doubt I'm the only person here who is
> subscribed to so many mailing lists that fully reading everything is
> impossible.
> There were also several messages where people stated a preference
> using LaTeX rather than any word processor (and indeed presentation)
> software.  Others defended using whatever worked, whether it was OO,
> MS Word, or iWorks.  I know that depending on what I need done, I'll
> use OO, Neo-Office, LaTeX, InDesign, Scribus, emacs, (or even vi) etc.
> Each has its strengths and drawbacks.  As to specific technical
> issues, I'll leave that to people who use $SPECIFIC_APP more regularly
> and thus, are more qualified to answer.
>> I think this is why we have 'vox' (general discussion, chatter, and
>> apparently arguments when I'm not paying attention)
> Oldest traditios on the internet: Fluff, thread-drift, and arguing :)
>> and 'vox-tech' for
>> the "how do I do this?" questions, and (hopefully) answers.
> Great.  Yet another list to subscribe to.
> Regards,
> Will
> --
> "The effect of music is so very much more powerful and penetrating
> than is that of the other arts, for these others speak only of the
> shadow, but music of the essence." -- Schopenhauer
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