[vox] Reasons you might not want to use OpenOffice

Joseph Arruda joseph.arruda at gmail.com
Wed Oct 27 01:51:23 PDT 2010

Is it still 1998?  What is "passe" is the same damned intractable 'Free 
Software'* equivalent to high-school macho posturing, and a near total 
appearance of being oblivious to anything beyond what is appearing more 
and more to be a simple, myopic agenda that takes no one else's 
preferences or experiences into consideration.

Getting on a bully pulpit without having a clear set of counter 
arguments other than what can otherwise appear to be  "if its not 
surgically embedded in the hair-swamp of RMS, then it can't be true 
under any and all circumstances regardless of any other facts let alone 
normative preferences." is at best, trite.  At worst it is disingenuous 
and counterproductive.

This is the same skull-chatter that was tired and sclerotic in 98, and 
it has not improved over time.

* I put that in single quotes because only FSF hardliners seem to behave 
this way; which is also why the term/movement around "Open Source", and 
its generally less dogmatic nature has made a lot more progress overall 
than the FSF.


On 10/26/2010 7:26 PM, Ruben Safir wrote:
> employ a term from the usenet days.  *plonk*
> That is so passe.  Try /dev/null ... also passe but at least it feels
> geeky.
> Ruben

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