[vox] Interest in NSLU2 Linux talk?

Bill Broadley bill at broadley.org
Thu Apr 29 19:37:44 PDT 2010

On 04/29/2010 05:07 AM, Bill Broadley wrote:
> DDWRT seems to be the center of the do it yourself configurable access
> points from what I can tell. I've also been watching tomato

Heh, sorry, that wasn't ready to be sent.  Tomato 
http://www.polarcloud.com/tomato looks pretty promising.  It runs on 
current hardware and has some features I haven't seen elsewhere.  I 
think it was Zach that mentioned it could do a wireless survey to pick 
the optimal channel to use.

I've heard other promising things, of course each has it's advocates.  I 
like that folks claim that you don't have to reboot with every setting 
change which bothered me about my openwrt router.

Here's a random blog comparing them:

In any case whoever actually presents should choose, but ideally for 
maximum interest from lugod and the community the talk would be for 
software/hardware that was actually available.

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