[vox] server software

Gandalf Parker gandalf at any1can.net
Sun Sep 20 06:42:31 PDT 2009

On Sat, 19 Sep 2009, netuser at ainet.com wrote:

> I am tasked with updating a Intel Xeon computer to a server. Since being
> introduced to Linux, I want Linux server software. Recommendations?? Server
> will be used for access to templates for data input. Computers accessing
> server are Windows based (someday they will see the light!). What software
> to use (as a front-end??) so users see Windows screen?

What do you mean by "see windows screen"? Wont they be seeing a browser 
screen? In that case it wont matter. Its the person administrating the 
computer who sees a "windows screen" or a linux one.

Id recommend Ubuntu.

Gandalf  Parker

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