[vox] NEXT WEEK: PenLUG meeting 03/26/2009

bill at wards.net bill at wards.net
Thu Mar 19 12:00:07 PDT 2009


   |Date:    |Thursday, March 26th, 2009|
   |Time:    |6:00 - 8:00 PM            |
   |         |Bayshore Technology Park  |
   |Location:|1300 Island Drive         |
   |         |Redwood City, CA 94065    |
   |         |Suite 106 - Training Room |
   |RSVP:    |Facebook: (coming soon)   |
   |         |or mail rsvp at penlug.org   |


     * 2:00 PM - 7:00 PM Electronics recycling by ACCRC
     * 6:00 PM Free pizza arrives
     * 6:15 PM Free book giveaways or other prizes
     * 6:30 PM Presentation begins
     * 8:00 PM Meeting ends

  Electronics Recycling by ACCRC

   Please come early to this meeting and bring all your old electronics -
   computers, stereo, TV, telephone, or anything else that has had electrons
   flowing through it (except for major appliances such as refrigerators,
   washer/dryer, air conditioner, etc.). ACCRC will be on hand to collect
   them from 2pm-7pm. Look for the big yellow Penske truck in the parking
   lot. Special thanks to Qualys and Harvest Properties (the building
   management company) for making this possible.

  Kdenlive - Non-linear video editor

   Kdenlive is an easy-to-use powerful, multi-track, multi-format non-linear
   video editor for KDE4. Dan Dennedy is the co-developer and current
   maintainer of MLT, the multimedia processing engine for kdenlive as well
   as contributor to kdenlive. He will be on-hand to demonstrate kdenlive and
   answer your questions. If you have a HDV camcorder, please bring it and we
   will put to test as he does not have one with which to demonstrate.

  Dan Dennedy

   Dan Dennedy has been an open source and Linux developer for around 7
   years. He has worked on IEEE 1394 (FireWire) in the Linux kernel and
   various 1394- and DV-related libraries and applications. More recently, he
   has been working with MLT, SDI video I/O, and kdenlive. He moved to the
   San Francisco Bay Area around 3 years ago with his wife and 3 kids. He
   works full time for MobiTV for the past 4 years as lead software engineer
   in the areas of digital media and streaming technology.

   Dan was the speaker at the November 2008 meeting, presenting Kino, an
   older Linux video editing system.


  Although it is not required, we like to have an idea of how many
  people to expect, so if possible please email rsvp at penlug.org if you
  are planning to attend.


  For information on getting to the meeting, please see:

  Traffic on 101 can be pretty bad in the evening, so we encourage you
  to check traffic conditions before driving by dialing 5-1-1 on your
  phone or visiting www.511.org, and if possible to take public transit
  (best bet: bicycle via Caltrain) or carpool to this meeting.


  See www.penlug.org for more information.

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