[vox] IDC: Downturn to drive Linux adoption

Bill Kendrick nbs at sonic.net
Wed Mar 18 19:26:32 PDT 2009

On Wed, Mar 18, 2009 at 03:16:41PM -0700, Bill Ward wrote:
>    "You get what you pay for" also means "$2 is junk."

_I_ got $2.  Which means CafePress was charging something like $8 or $9.

>    Try $19.95 and put it
>    up on Amazon, and I bet you'll sell a lot more.  Call it TuxPaint Pro
>    maybe.

Actually, someone created "Tux Paint Enhanced", which was also free.
It was NOT enhanced.  It was simply regular TP, wrapped in an Windows
installer that also chucked some browser plugin onto their system.
I'd call it sneaky, but they are completely up-front about what the
stuff does, and the fact that TP itself is GPL.

What annoys me is they were doing a lot of submissions to software sites
(I was discovering via Google Blog search feed).  So presumably a lot
of people were discovering TP the first time via this junk, or deciding
they 'needed the enhanced version', when the app itself was identical.

Fortunately it wasn't outright spyware or a trojan.  Sheesh.

That remidns me, I need to bug SPI about trademark registration again ;)

"Tux Paint" - free children's drawing software for Windows / Mac OS X / Linux!
Download it today!  http://www.tuxpaint.org/

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