[vox] City of Davis facilities for LUGOD meetings

Wes Hardaker wjhns156 at hardakers.net
Tue Jun 9 06:39:16 PDT 2009

>>>>> On Mon, 8 Jun 2009 22:21:22 -0700, Bill Kendrick <nbs at sonic.net> said:

BK> I called City of Davis and learned about the Senior Center.
BK> Their "Club Room" holds 120 people, and costs $38/hr.

Have I mentioned trying Explorit yet?  I can't remember.  A local
ham radio club meets there (at the old explorit on 5th street).  I don't
know what they're requirements are for using their room.

\ Wes Hardaker                           http://pontifications.hardakers.net /
 \_____ "In the bathtub of history the truth is harder to hold than ________/
       \_______ the soap, and much more difficult to find." _______/
               \_________ -- Terry Pratchett ______________/

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