[vox] Message bot for vox

Nick Schmalenberger nick at schmalenberger.us
Wed Jan 14 17:41:02 PST 2009

On Wed, Jan 14, 2009 at 05:31:50PM -0800, Brian Lavender wrote:
> I noticed that there seems to be a few subjects that gets people's
> attention. Wouldn't it be interesting if we had a message bot to rile up
> the group every once in a while with the subject "Why Windows is better
> than Linux"? No one likes to be fooled by a bot though. 
Do eeeettt. Subscribe with a gmail account or something and then
have it forward to your own account. Sort it out with procmail
and then have it forge the from addresses for the gmail address.
Maybe even have those mails relayed through gmail although we
could still probably tell...

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