[vox] Easy Email Encryption

Rod Roark rod at sunsetsystems.com
Tue Jan 13 09:14:30 PST 2009

Hey I just wanted to share an easy general-purpose method for
email (and other) encryption that I ran across:


"Easy" means you don't have to install any special software, and
you don't have to deal with the complexities of public key
cryptography.  It's a nice solution when there are one or two
other people with whom you want to ensure email privacy, and
they are not very computer-literate.

Very few people use encryption these days, and I'm sure that is
mostly about the difficulty and inconvenience of doing so.

Especially with the popularity of email services controlled by
large corporations, I think it behooves all of us to assert our
right to privacy.  Rights that are not exercised have a way of


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