[vox] Free books

Ka Wing Poon kwpoon at ucdavis.edu
Sun Apr 26 20:30:59 PDT 2009

Hi Bill,

Thanks for offering books to us! I hope you still have some left. I am
interested in 3 of the books you have...Java: How to Program (covers Java 2
introducing Swing), Beginning SUSE Linux (from Novice to Professional) and
SAMS Teach Yourself PHP, MySQL and Apache.


On Wed, Apr 22, 2009 at 11:52 AM, Bill Kendrick <nbs at sonic.net> wrote:

> LUGOD is closing its Lending Library.  We've received a list of
> books that the CS Dept. at CSU Bakersfield would like to take.
> In the meantime, I've received a small portion of the library
> (and will hopefully get the rest from Henry some time soon).
> None of them were anything that CSUB wanted, so I brought them
> to this week's LUGOD meeting.
> Here is what remains.  Email me privately if you'd like to
> arrange picking them up from me, here in Davis:
> * Java: How to Program (covers Java 2 introducing Swing)
> * Beginning SUSE Linux (from Novice to Professional)
> * Professional Java Data (RDBMS, JDBC, SQLJ, OODBMS, JNDI...)
> * Borland Kylix Developer's Guide
> * StarOffice 6.0 User's Guide
> * SAMS Teach Yourself PHP, MySQL and Apache
> * GNU Autoconf, Automake and Libtool
> * Mastering Delphi 5
> There are also some MS-related books that we ended up with,
> somehow...?
> * Microsoft FrontPage 2000 Bible
> * Microsoft SQL Server 6.5 (2nd Ed.)
> I will bring these (and any others I receive) to the next
> few LUGOD meetings, but after that they'll be donated
> somewhere (SPCA?) or recycled.
> --
> -bill!
> Sent from my computer
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