[vox] opinions of linux hosting sites?

Gandalf Parker gandalf at any1can.net
Thu Dec 4 09:02:52 PST 2008

On Thu, Dec 04, 2008 at 07:38:08AM -0800, Wes Hardaker wrote:
> Anyone have opinions of the various linux-ish hosting sites out there?

As a hosting service I love Sonic.net
Its local. Ive known them since they were a BBS and now they are national. They are very tech friendly and approachable on any quirky thing you want to arrange.

> own machine hosted on a higher-bandwidth link but those options seem to
> be way too expensive.  argg....

Is the domain already grown to the point of neededing outside hosting? I have most of my stuff on an old computer retired because it wouldnt run the latest windows games, and loaded with Linux. It runs in my house off of my DSL. It hosts a dozen domains, over 100 email boxes, and a couple of online gaming worlds. Its amazing how much service you can get on such a setup.

If nothing else, you might consider splitting your options and do both. If you find a nice stable host that is in your price range and can handle the front-end of your needs (main web page and the CGIs which have to share with that page, and possibly the DNS) then you might use a home machine on a subdomain of that domain to handle some of the other stuff. Mail? maybe an image library? the downloads? a cgi that uses a backend database? dns? Anything that can be split from the main page of the website and you would prefer to put under your own personal control abit more. 

Either way, there is no reason to pay for hosting something that you arent sure immeadiately needs it. The internet is designed to easily shift physical locations and IP addresses without disrupting service much. Grow it at home if its still a seedling notion. :)

Gandalf  Parker

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