[vox] [LUGOD] [Installfest] Major change idea

Steve Weiss stevew at bbenginc.com
Tue Aug 19 21:36:03 PDT 2008

I recently came across Chris' email below from 5/12 and wondered what 
came of it. The addendum to his email suggests his idea for changing the 
Installfest to an "Educational Workshop and Installfest" was not picked 
up, perhaps for lack of interest or turnout. Well, I personally would 
like to see educational workshops happen in one form or another and 
think it might help boost turnout, especially if word gets out.

I think it would help new Linux users like me (especially 
non-professionals and overloaded people) get up to speed more quickly 
and let go of Windows. I have a number of issues with my system, and not 
having time to figure them all out by myself has (I'm sad to say) 
frequently kept me using Windows.

Here are some of the topics and specific issues I'm interested in:

*   System maintenance in general
*   Security
*   Managing software installation and repositories - proprietary vs open
*   Finding executables of newly installed software for setting up 
shortcuts when the system has not done so.
*   Installing all the media players that Ubuntu doesn't come with
*   Font issues, including using the same ones Microsoft does so docs 
look the same
*   Problems with Open Office and alternatives to it
*   Evince sends only error messages to printer, though other programs 
print OK.
*   Problems w/print page setup, margins in general and in Firefox
*   Setting up VMWare or Virtualbox
*   System backup management. (I use Simple Backup now for my system 
configuration but want to learn how to do other specific backup tasks, 
including testing its backup data and process.)
*   Setting up a wireless router and laptop using WPA
*   Discussing/recommending additional software

If this doesn't happen formally, I'll come to Installfests anyway as I 
can and pick up tips. Hey, maybe I'll even get to where I can help out.


Christopher James McKenzie wrote:
> Hi,
> So during WEF, something became pretty apparent:
> 1. Linux is easy to install and few people have issues these days.
> 2. Linux is hard to use and lots of people have issues these days.
> Well, ok, we can sit around and debate the semantic word choice and 
> merits of totality of each argument, or, we can all agree that those two 
> points roughly approximate truth here.
> The realization that I had is that the installfests should be refocused 
> to an educational outreach and workshop with an installation component.
> How this will work.
> Well first we rename it from installfest to "Educational Workshop and 
> Installfest" or something ... up for a vote really ... I don't have a 
> name I like.
> Secondly, we need to modify the infrastructure so that people can RSVP 
> on the order of
> "I'd like to learn how to do basic Perl"
> ... you would not believe it, but about 2/3s of the people reaching out 
> for help actually had linux installed and wanted to know how to do 
> something like set up a firewall but for whatever reason (maybe they 
> learn better when someone tells them (this is not BS, look up 
> Kinaesthetic, Auditory, and Visual learning models with copious amounts 
> of peer reviewed articles in the field)) they want an educational seminar.
>  From the organizers (Alex + Me) point of view, we need to prepare basic 
> rundowns on expected questions but then just wing it the first few times 
> ... practice is the best preparation.
> ----
> I decided to not supplement the installfests with an educational 
> workshop because, have you been to these?  We are getting so few people 
> these days ... plus, this refocus I think really helps address modern 
> concerns in the world of linux.
> If I don't hear back from anyone (I don't know if it requires a bylaws 
> change) --- but if I really don't, then I'm just going to do it starting 
> gradually at the end of this week, then full on for june.
> ~chris.
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