[vox] LUGs at LinuxWorld Expo (ref. to vox-outreach thread)

Bill Kendrick nbs at sonic.net
Tue Jun 26 13:17:09 PDT 2007

Brian from SacLUG received an invitation to LUGs to attend LWE this year.
(For some strange reason, LUGOD didn't receive one yet! :^) )

I think it'd be great to put together a multi-LUG presence, like we had
back in 2004:


For those interested, please see this thread I just started over on LUGOD's
"vox-outreach" mailing list:


If you're interested in participating in stuff like this, and you're
not already subscribed to "vox-outreach", please consider doing so!



pr at lugod.org
Linux Users' Group of Davis

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